How To Increase The Natural Production Of Collagen

Collagen is an ingredient that can be found in stores, but promoting its natural production is more economical and easier.

Are you starting to see your first wrinkles? Whether you are just starting to discover your wrinkles or have had them for a while, you may have already thought about increasing natural collagen production.

It is likely that you have seen or purchased different products that contain this ingredient. But there are options to get it naturally and we’ll tell you about them below.

What is collagen?

Collagen is the protein that we have the most in our body, especially type 1. It is a vital element for the formation of:

  • Skin
  • Bone
  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Blood vessels
  • Teeth
  • Intestines

Collagen is what allows you to have elastic skin and for dead cells to be replaced with new ones. The older we get, the more collagen naturally decreases and causes wrinkles, dry skin and joint pain to appear.

This is why it is ideal to establish a routine that promotes the natural production of collagen from an early age. We recommend that you pay attention to these habits from the age of 25 or 30. And even if you’re older, it’s never too late.

Why is it better to promote natural collagen production?

The natural production of collagen and elastin.

Obviously when we are 25 we don’t worry too much about wrinkles, our diet and skin care. Plus, we know there are less natural options like botox or plastic surgery.

The problem is, plastic surgery is expensive, and botox is a poison that can leave unwanted effects on your skin.

On the other hand are the creams. Among them, the most economical, which do not always work. Those that are effective are so expensive that they are not always affordable for everyone.

On the other hand, promoting the natural production of collagen is economical and easy. It will take longer if the wrinkles are deep and you’ve never worried about them, but it’s not impossible.

Foods that promote the natural production of collagen

The best option for improving collagen production is through our diet. In fact, if we have a good diet, we could avoid many of the beauty and health problems that we face on a daily basis.

Some of the foods you need to eat to get collagen are:

The blueberries

Blueberry smoothie to promote natural collagen production.

Blueberries contain phytonutrients that strengthen collagen fibers. Thus, their production does not decrease over time.

We recommend that you consume at least one cup of blueberries per week. You can eat them however you like, although they are best served raw or plain.

Green leafy vegetables

These vegetables are rich in vitamin C and A. They promote collagen production while reducing the chances of developing cancer.

To really get their effects, consume fresh, natural green leafy vegetables. You should consume at least one cup of these vegetables twice a day.


Garlic for the natural production of collagen.

The sulphide contained in garlic promotes the production of natural collagen. In fact, it is common to see that consuming garlic eliminates pain in the joints.

Garlic also contains taurine which fights damage in collagen fibers. This means that the collagen you have is repaired and its useful life in your body increases.

To obtain these benefits you can:

  • Eat a piece of garlic per day. If you don’t like the taste, try eating 1/4 a day. Take it as if it were a pill and you won’t notice how it tastes.
  • Prepare a garlic infusion and drink it every day. Add a piece of garlic to your cinnamon or mint tea and drink it. The function of cinnamon or mint is to obscure the taste of garlic.


Eggs are rich in natural amino acids, these elements are vital for the formation of new collagen and you should add them to your diet permanently.

The ideal would be to consume two eggs, at most three times per week. Avoid using too much fat and salt when cooking them.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C for the natural production of collagen.

Vitamin C is the most important in the natural production of collagen. This is because collagen fibers require a large amount of vitamin C to form properly.

It is advisable to eat a diet containing many foods rich in vitamin C or to take supplements every day.

If you choose to take supplements, choose natural ingredients. In organic stores it is possible to find different options, but always choose those that do not contain any artificial additives.

Infrared light therapy

If we leave out the food, infrared light is the best option to promote the creation of collagen. You can do this therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Infrared light therapy combines infrared rays (not UV rays) which stimulate blood circulation, increase the amount of collagen and its absorption in the skin.

You can find infrared light devices at any supermarket or beauty store. But you don’t have to worry about the price because they are very economical and last quite a long time. Use this device twice a week.

  • Collagen – What Is It and What Is It Good For?

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