How To Increase Hair Volume

Believe it or not, by cutting the ends of the hair a little bit, you can help them gain volume, because this way you get rid of the broken hair that are thinner and more fragile.

People who have thinning or falling hair can  take advantage of the following tips to increase hair volume. These, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help you achieve great hair.

With a little patience and especially perseverance, the results will start to appreciate after a few weeks. Are you ready? Let’s go then!

Tips for increasing hair volume

Although the characteristics of hair are determined by various factors,  genetics play a very important role. In this sense, having thick or thin hair is linked to DNA and hormones. The former is even more difficult to control than the latter, but there are things that can be done to increase hair volume.

As a first step, it is essential to preserve the health of the hair follicles and the scalp. If both are in good condition, you will be able to improve their volume more easily and even their strength.

In addition, by choosing to comb your hair in a different way, you can create an “optical illusion” to give it more density. In addition, there are many tips for increasing hair volume. These are also linked to good daily habits.

1. Eat a balanced diet


 increase hair volume

A balanced diet is one of the main pillars for keeping our whole body healthy. including our hair.

A balanced diet should provide carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals (including iron and zinc), as well as omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids.

How do you get all these nutrients? By eating a healthy diet every day and prioritizing fruits, vegetables, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

2. Dry your hair upside down

We recommend that you do not overuse the hair dryer as it damages the strands. And so this causes an effect contrary to what we are looking for. This technique can still help you from time to time if you want to have more volume. Use the cold air option of the hair dryer whenever possible to limit the harmful effects of heat on your hair.

  • It’s very simple: after washing your hair, lower your head so that the hair falls “cascading”. Dry them upside down.
  • Then comb your hair in the opposite direction to the line you normally use. Then raise your head and paint yourself as you normally would.

3. Sleep well

Of course, rest is closely related to the appearance of our hair (as well as our skin, for example). Therefore, if you suffer from alopecia in addition to having thin hair, it  may be because you are not dealing with stress properly. Certain relaxing activities like  yoga or meditation  can be of great help in calming you down.

4. Choose suitable products

There are many shampoos, moisturizers, and treatment masks specifically designed for fine hair. Once a week, we recommend that you take a  bath with cream or essential oils (coconut oil is one of the most effective) to revive your hair.

You can also find products that repair and at the same time increase hair volume. Subsequently, alternate with a clarifying shampoo to avoid the build-up of residue.

The essential ingredients that make up the products to increase hair volume are:

  • Collagen
  • Ginseng
  • Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants

5. Drink lots of water

 increase hair volume

No matter how hot or cold it is, water is essential for our hydration inside and out. The famous recommendation to drink “2 liters of water per day” is not a whim or an invention of television. In fact, health and nutrition experts say the key is to try and drink enough water per day, based on thirst, to make sure we are providing the body with some of what it needs. need to function properly.

  • If you forget to drink water, always take a plastic bottle with you or leave it on your desk.
  • You can also consume cold green tea, natural fruit juices, or herbal infusions to “reach” the recommended daily amount of water.

6. Cut the tips

About every two months, it is advisable to trim the ends lightly to remove dry and fine hair. This part of the hair is usually thinner and lifeless than the rest. The tips break easily and do not give as much volume to the hair. The tips of freshly cut hair are thicker.

You don’t need to go to the hairdresser. You can just trim the ends a bit when the hair is wet.

7. Massage the scalp

 increase hair volume


We often forget to take care of our scalp. However, it is as important as the hair itself. Even if your hair looks dull, or is dry and thin, follicles can still be saved.

To keep them in good condition and promote healthier strand production, we recommend that you massage your scalp regularly in the evening. You can do this while watching TV, lying on the sofa, or reading a bit.

  • Place a few drops of olive or almond oil on your fingertips and apply them to the scalp with circular motions without rubbing.
  • Start with the forehead, continue with the crown, then move to the nape of the neck. It is also a great way to reduce stress and forget about problems.
  • Massage allows more blood to circulate to the follicles and therefore makes them function better. It also gives more volume to the hair.

Be careful with the way you brush your hair

In addition to everything we have already mentioned, we recommend that you do not brush your hair brutally, especially if you have wet it, as this makes the strands come off more easily and lose volume. Also,  try not to overuse the hair dryer, straightener, and curling iron , avoid dyes for a while, don’t smoke, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your hair will appreciate it.

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  • Hernández, Sandra A., & Zacconi, Flavia CM. (2009). Aceite de almendras dulces: extracción, caracterización y aplicación. Química Nova32 (5), 1342-1345.
  • Iglesias Rosado C., Villarino Marín AL, Martínez JA, Cabrerizo L., Gargallo M., Lorenzo H. et al. Importancia del agua en la hidratación de la población española: documento FESNAD 2010. Nutr. Hosp. [Internet]. 2011 Feb [cited 2018 Nov 08]; 26 (1): 27-36. Available in:

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