How To Improve Your Fluency In Speech

Although it may cost you money at first, the best way to improve your fluency is to expose yourself to speaking in any situation in order to banish fears and insecurities.

There are individuals who are better communicators than others. What is the reason ? To find out, read this article and find out how to improve your verbal fluency, a skill that will allow you to optimize your exchanges.

Verbal fluency is nothing more than the ability to spontaneously strike up a conversation with someone, improvise into a presentation based on audience reaction, and present it all in a very natural way.

Verbal fluency and personal insecurity  verbal fluency

Insecurity and fluency do not go together at all. Indeed, in order to practice this skill successfully, you need to be a confident person with healthy self-esteem.

When insecurity hangs over you, you start to think about all the things that can go wrong. For example, if you need to present a project to other colleagues, some of the following phrases may appear in your thoughts:

  • “I will be asked questions that I may not be able to answer.”
  • “They’re going to find out that I didn’t prepare well.”
  • “What should I do if I have a blackout?”.
  • “I’m sure I’ll forget to mention this important point.”

All these insecurities appear without any foundation. Do you really know what’s going to happen? What if you were wrong? The problem with these kinds of predictions is that in the end, they can come true.

Therefore, it is important that you do not go too fast and that we completely reverse the previous questions. How can you do this?

Here are some ideas:

  • If you are asked something that you don’t know how to answer, nothing is going to happen, you can just say that you will do some research and give an appropriate answer later.
  • In reality, no one will realize that you have not prepared yourself very well because you are the one who knows the most about this subject, since it is your project.
  • If you have a blackout, that’s okay. You can move on to another topic or take a deep breath, calm down, and continue with the presentation. Because you know this project better than anyone.
  • If you realize that you have forgotten something, you can say to your audience phrases such as: “I don’t remember mentioning this important point, but I will rectify it later without any problem”.

Reading and vocabulary acquisition

Reading is a very important activity if you want to improve your fluency. Indeed, thanks to reading, we acquire a much larger vocabulary than we think.

Sometimes the problem you can have with poor verbal fluency is not insecurity, but the lack of tools that allow you to think quickly. To communicate effectively what you want to say and to have the right vocabulary for it.

If you have a rich vocabulary, when you don’t know how to explain something, you can do it through synonyms. This will undoubtedly increase your security.

The best way to improve fluency: practice  verbal fluency

Despite the insecurity or weak vocabulary you may have, the important thing to improve fluency is to practice.

The social skills that you have have only developed through practice. Forcing yourself to be in situations where you have to communicate and interact will help you develop all of your skills (including fluency).

  • It’s okay to feel insecure at first, especially if you’re a shy person.
  • However, shyness can be overcome, although it does require a lot of willpower, strength, and constant exposure to what is causing you so many fears.

Do you feel like you have poor verbal fluency? Would you like to improve it ? If you are able to put the above tips into practice, your ability to communicate will be enhanced.

You will be able to communicate what you want in a clear and concise manner, as well as grab the attention of those who are listening to you. Your rich vocabulary will be appreciated by the audience and, moreover, the listeners will have the impression that is done in a very natural and spontaneous way.

This will undoubtedly make you a great communicator. However, as we have already mentioned, the theory is not enough. It is only valid if it is put into practice.

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