How To Improve Thyroid Problems By Taking Care Of The Gut

Since the bacterial flora is a barrier against pathogens, it is inevitable to keep it healthy to avoid infections. In addition, the enzymatic processes of thyroid hormones are also promoted.

Find out in this article what are the factors that indirectly harm the intestine and thyroid, as well as beneficial natural tips and remedies.

Thyroid-gut link

Many people are surprised when they learn that three quarters of our body’s immune tissue is located in the gut.

If the intestinal bacterial flora is healthy, it acts as an excellent barrier against all types of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungal infections and parasites).

However, if it is altered, the intestine then becomes an open door for these pathogens to go into the blood and interfere in certain enzymatic processes related to thyroid hormones.

What damages the intestine?

There are many factors that negatively influence the delicate balance of the intestine:

  • A poor diet, high in sugar, dairy products and refined foods.
  • The constipation.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Intolerance to certain nutrients, such as gluten or lactose.
  • Heavy metal poisoning (for example, if dental mercury fillings are used)
  • Intestinal parasites.
  • States of nervousness, anxiety and stress.
  • Negative emotions like anger and fear.

Balance bowel function

When you know that you are suffering from an intestinal disorder, you will need to take natural remedies to rebalance it.

If you suffer from constipation, focus on increasing your intake of foods high in fiber, as well as your water intake throughout the day, outside of meals.

If you often suffer from diarrhea, you can resort to green tea and a charcoal supplement.

Here we are going to give you three tips that anyone can follow to improve their bowel function.

A complete diet for thyroid problems

Whether you have a bowel disorder or have a healthy gut, you can’t miss out on foods high in fiber, like fruits, vegetables, pulses, dried fruits, and whole grains.

Today, most products made with flour do not contain fiber, but are refined: bread, pastries, cakes, pasta, pizzas etc.

However, if you search well, you will be able to find many options that are as delicious as they are nutritious, made with whole flours of rye, spelled etc.

You can also try grains such as oats, millet, or quinoa.

Beware of gluten

Many people who suffer from thyroid disorders may have varying degrees of gluten intolerance. Which is the protein found in wheat, barley or rye.

It is also sometimes found in oats, but only when it has been processed in the same places as wheat.

We recommend that you eliminate gluten from your diet, which will bode well for the next few weeks.


Probiotic supplements are among the best options for maintaining healthy gut flora. And fight against thyroid problems.

You will be able to notice the health benefits from day one. Because the health of the intestine is decisive in the quality of life.

We recommend that you choose probiotics of the highest quality. Which include a large and variety of bacterial strains.

On the label, the amount should be specified and the ideal is between 30 and 50 million CPUs (i.e. living organisms with the ability to form colonies).

Bacterial flora supplements should always be taken on an empty stomach, especially on an empty stomach. The most efficient time is between 5 and 7 a.m.


Here is a good method to clean the intestine from time to time, especially if you suffer from constipation: the enema. Do it with water or with a rectal medicine preparation.

You can do this with herbal teas like chamomile or thyme, or with coffee to improve liver function. In this case, it is better to use organic unroasted coffee.

It will always be necessary to be very scrupulous with this technique, so as not to alter the bacterial flora, and not to do it too often.

The ideal is to do an enema when you are calm. Before going to bed because it often gets tired.

Keep the liquid inside as much as you can and drain it out as soon as you feel the need.

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