How To Fight Acne With 5 Detoxifying Smoothies

In addition to external care, to effectively fight acne, it is important to detoxify the body from the inside in order to optimize the process cellular oxygenation.

Acne is a cosmetic problem characterized by the formation of pimples or blackheads, made up of sebum, dead cells and other impurities retained in the skin.

Acne is usually caused by hormonal changes. However, it can also be linked to genetic problems, eating habits and alterations in the activity of the sebaceous glands.

It mainly occurs in the “T zone” of the face, but can appear on the arms, back, and many other areas of the skin.

Fortunately, this does not represent a serious health problem. It can also be controlled by taking into account certain habits and treatments.

The problem is that many people limit themselves to the use of external products, ignoring the need to detoxify the body to fight it and prevent its recurrence.

In this article, we will therefore offer you 5 smoothies made from natural ingredients that, due to their nutrients and properties, cleanse the skin and facilitate acne control.

Do you dare to try them?

1. Melon water and coconut smoothieacne

Melon is a detoxifying fruit that helps remove toxins from the blood to promote relief for skin suffering from acne problems.

Combined with the minerals of coconut water, we get a refreshing smoothie, ideal for keeping the skin young and healthy.


  • 3 slices of melon
  • 1 glass of coconut water (200 ml)


  • Chop the melon slices then beat them in a blender with a glass of coconut water.

Way of consuming

  • Consume the drink on an empty stomach, at least 7 days in a row.
  • Perform the treatment every 3 weeks.

2. Apple, dandelion and beetroot smoothie

Rich in antioxidants and fiber, this cleansing smoothie is also a great alternative to cleanse the blood and reduce acne.

Its ingredients act as anti-inflammatory and diuretic, stimulating circulation to keep the skin nourished and young.


  • A red apple
  • 1 tablespoon of dandelion (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • ½ beet


  • Prepare a dandelion infusion with the glass of water then, after cooling, beat it with the previously peeled apple and beetroot.
  • Make sure you get a smooth, lump-free drink.

Way of consuming

  • Take the drink on an empty stomach, 7 or 10 days in a row.
  • Repeat the treatment once a month.

3. Kiwi, blueberry and blackberry smoothie

Thanks to the blends of ingredients rich in antioxidants, this smoothie is also a good alternative to fight acne from the inside out.

Its compounds indeed promote the elimination of toxins that affect the health of the skin and, at the same time, optimize the process of cellular oxygenation.


  • 3 kiwis
  • 5 blueberries
  • 5 berries
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Incorporate all the ingredients in the mixing bowl then blend them until you obtain a homogeneous smoothie.

Way of consuming

  • Take the drink on an empty stomach for 2 or 3 weeks.
  • Perform the treatment every 3 months.

4. Watermelon and green apple smoothie

Liquefied watermelon is refreshing and green apple gives the skin more antioxidants and natural fibers that promote detoxification.

This smoothie is therefore ideal for reducing excessive fat production and pore dilation.


  • 3 slices of watermelon
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut the watermelon and green apple into slices, then blend them in a mixing bowl with a glass of water.

Way of consuming

  • Drink this smoothie, at least 3 times a week.

5. Pineapple, strawberry and spinach smoothieacne

Low in calories and high in antioxidants, this natural smoothie is a good supplement for the treatment of acne.

Its properties indeed reduce the excessive production of fat and, by eliminating toxins, improve circulation and the cellular oxygenation process.


  • 3 pineapple slices
  • 6 ripe strawberries
  • 4 spinach leaves
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut the ingredients into several pieces then mix them in a mixing bowl with a glass of water.
  • Then beat them quickly until you get a smooth drink.

Way of consuming

  • Eat the smoothie on an empty stomach or with breakfast.
  • Repeat consumption 3 times a week.

Do you regularly suffer from acne? If so, you may need to detox from the inside to get it under control.

So choose one of the smoothies mentioned in this article and consume them as a treatment to fight acne.

Detoxifying our body is very important so that it can perform its functions properly, in this article we mention the foods that promote this process.

The liver is the most important organ when it comes to purifying our organism. So find out how you can help her in this detoxification process by consuming the right foods.

  • Guerra Tapia y col. (2015). Consenso en el tratamiento tópico del acne . [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].
  • Pérez- Cotapos y col. (2011). Influence of the diet in the acne: revision of the literatura. [online] Avaiable at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017].

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