How To Eat During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, we must keep in mind that it is as important to eat certain foods as it is to eliminate those that may be harmful to us.

Should we really eat for two? If so, what does it really mean? When you are pregnant, the issue of diet during pregnancy comes to the fore. Although it might not be your habit.

It’s not uncommon for you to sit down at a table and be urged to eat more. However, the important thing is not the quantity, but the quality. In fact, consuming food indiscriminately can cause a problem.

You have to keep in mind that the solution lies in the nutritional value of the items you consume.

The first thing to do, however, is to eliminate or reduce the consumption of sugary or very fatty foods.

Both have high calorie intake, but with a lack of vitamins, protein, and minerals, they really feed us.

Of course, to take care of yourself during the period of pregnancy, it is better to adopt better lifestyle habits, in which physical activity continues to be present.

During pregnancy, it is good to walk. This is because it improves blood circulation and helps you eliminate fat, without having to suffer a big impact.

However, we recommend that you consult your doctor to find out which sport is best for you.

Tips for diet during pregnancy

1. Avoid raw fish

diet during pregnancy: avoid raw fish

The cuisine has become globalized today and this situation prompts us to eat sushi frequently.

In addition, there are countries where traditional recipes include raw fish, such as ceviche in Latin America. Although they are very healthy and contain high doses of protein, if you are pregnant these dishes are not highly recommended.

The fish used to make these recipes may contain anisakis, a parasite that causes infections and disorders in consumers.

Although it is normal for the products on the market to be treated in such a way that this does not happen, we cannot guarantee this. Hence, it is best to avoid eating raw fish during these months of pregnancy.

2. Eliminate unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses.

As you know, these dairy products are very delicate because they are also prone to bacteria and parasites.

There are many other sources of calcium that you can turn to before you risk having an infection that could affect you and your baby.

3. Eat 5 light meals a day

diet during pregnancy: 5 light meals per day

Stomach pain and nausea are very common. Many women feel full very quickly, so they stop eating right away, not realizing that they haven’t eaten well.

To avoid this, we suggest that you eat something every 3 hours. That way, you take whatever you need and get rid of that discomfort.

4. Increase the consumption of whole grains

When it comes to diet during pregnancy, you have to think about energy. Digestion is more complicated, because there is another being who benefits from it.

Therefore, slow acting carbohydrates are very important. As we said, it gives us that extra vigor, albeit in a more gradual way.

Slow carbohydrates allow us to enjoy more energy for longer, with the advantage that the nutrients are not turned into fat. On the other hand, since it is a whole grain, it speeds up the metabolism of the rest of the food.

5. Eat at least 5 fruits a day

Fruits are one of the richest options. First, they have the same benefits as grains. But they also give us sugar and lots of vitamins.

When we talk about sugar, we are talking about healthy sugars, the ones that keep you active and are easily digested.

However, the extra calories are very difficult to burn. So they become fat which only serves to harm your health.

6. Bet on vegetable oils and fats

Animal fats raise cholesterol and make us weaker. Whereas vegetable fats have the opposite effect and keep our organs healthy.

So, you should ideally incorporate things like virgin olive oil, avocado, or low fat yogurt into your 3 main meals.

Thanks to these simple guidelines, nutrition during pregnancy will no longer be a problem. Always keep in mind that the most important thing is to facilitate your digestion. While getting the vitamins and minerals you need to live a normal life.

However, if you have any questions about diet during pregnancy or other topics, you can ask us any time you need, we’ll be there to answer you.

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