How To Detoxify The Pancreas Naturally?

For a complete detox, it is imperative that we let go of our bad habits such as alcohol, tobacco or junk food. It is also very important that we learn to manage our emotions and our stress.

The pancreas is a teardrop-shaped organ located in the abdomen, essential for digestion and for producing enzymes. If it is poisoned or inflamed, then the food becomes difficult to digest. It is therefore essential to follow a purifying diet from time to time to detoxify the pancreas.

The diet to detoxify the pancreas

How can our pancreas become inflamed or poisoned? Our diet is always the first factor when our organs start to function less well. But there are also external elements, which are found in the environment, which can alter their functions.

All of this causes hormonal imbalances in the pancreas. As well as diseases, such as diabetes. So we need to detoxify the pancreas regularly to stay healthy. Here we will explain how.

1. Say goodbye to toxins with herbal remedies

The first step to cleanse the pancreas is to eliminate alcohol, tobacco and anything akin to ultra-processed food from our diet. We know quitting smoking is always difficult, but it is worth it. We are gaining years of life.

Also reduce the consumption of flour and refined sugars, etc. All of this will make you feel much better. There are also a whole host of wonderful herbal remedies that help cleanse the pancreas.

  • Ginger tea: it deflates, purifies our body. It is also a good sedative and antioxidant.
  • Green tea: you can have it for breakfast or in the afternoon. It provides an excellent dose of fantastic antioxidants which purify the pancreas.
  • Licorice infusion: this is a very digestible root that promotes the production of bile which allows food to be better digested. It is ideal.

2. Adequate water and juices

kiwi juice to detoxify the pancreas naturally

It would be ideal to follow this cleansing diet for at least 10 days. Start the day with a glass of lemon juice and lukewarm water, a kiwi fruit and a cup of oats. It is necessary to drink two liters of water every day and to eat first of all fruits and vegetables.

Increase your dose of green vegetables, rich in vitamin B, as well as all fruits that are antioxidants and full of vitamins, such as papaya, orange, strawberries. Pineapple and papaya juices are also highly recommended for the pancreas, even if kiwi fruit is by far the most suitable fruit.

3. The benefits of a hot shower or bath

Maybe this will surprise you, but taking a hot shower or bath every day stimulates our digestion and helps detoxify the pancreas. This activates its operation.

So don’t hesitate to take a good hot bath before going to bed, this will relax you and help you fall asleep more easily, in addition to significantly activating the functions of the pancreas.

4. Listen to your emotions and reduce stress

calm stress to detoxify the pancreas naturally

This may sound silly to you and yet it is not. Keep in mind that going through times of anxiety or stress will increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This causes a lot of damage in us. Negative emotions, worries alter our basic functions, by affecting digestion for example, by increasing the risk of inflammation of our intestines, our colon, etc.

All this can also generate disturbances in the pancreas, which can stop releasing enzymes in our stomach. You have to take this into account: try to relax, take time for yourself, take a walk, eat well …

Ultimately, taking care of your pancreas doesn’t cost anything.

  • Madaria, E., & Martinez, J. (2012). Páncreas y vías biliares. Unidad de Patología Pancreática. Unidad de Gastroenterología y Endoscopia Digestiva.
  • Mayorga Luis. (2000). FISIOLOGIA PANCREÁTICA. In Fisiologia de la practica medica.
  • Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. El páncreas. Recuperado el 2 de mayo de 2021.,que % C3% B3n% 20lo% 20aumenta.
  • National Institutes of Health. El poder del páncreas. (2017). Recuperado el 2 de mayo.
  • Cleveland Clinic. The Best (and Worst) Foods for Pancreatitis Pain. (2020). Recuperado el 2 de mayo de 2021.
  • Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Friday Fix: Here’s the Truth About Cleanses. (2017). Recuperado el 2 de mayo de 2021.

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