How To Cure Dry Cough In Children?

Although cough is a defense mechanism in the human body, if it becomes persistent in a child and his condition does not improve, it is best to see a specialist. Complementarily, you can also relieve the symptoms of dry cough with natural treatments that will help clear the airways. Discover them all in this article as well as many tips to prevent this disorder in a natural way.

Dry cough in children is a condition that does not cause phlegm. It tends to cause irritation, and symptoms can get worse if not treated in time. It is a very common disorder in infants and children under the age of 10 and the episodes can sometimes occur several times a year for a variety of reasons.

Dry cough disorder affects children as well as adults. Sometimes it is a necessary evil, because it allows the expulsion of a foreign body, a substance ingested and can also be the manifestation of a disease. Although a dry cough is not considered to be a disease in itself, it nevertheless stems from a natural mechanism the body uses to clear the airways.

Often, parents are looking for solutions to combat dry cough in children. Whether with a natural treatment or a drug, the goal is to relieve the discomfort and pain of the child.

To this end, in this article we suggest you discover several natural treatments to calm dry coughs in children. These natural products will allow you to relieve the symptoms of dry cough to calm and reduce the pain and discomfort caused by this condition.

To start, we will first tell you about the most common causes of dry cough in order to explain the possible reasons for its appearance to prevent this condition as best as possible.

To help relieve this disorder quickly, some natural treatments are particularly effective because they will help clear the airways. A dry cough can be very bothersome and can get worse overnight. This condition has the disadvantage of preventing the sufferer from sleeping well, and often harms those around him.

Causes of dry cough in children

causes of dry cough in children

The causes of dry cough in children can be very varied. Inflammation due to rhinitis, bronchitis and laryngitis is one of the most important reasons for the onset of dry cough in children.

Dry cough is characterized by a cough that does not cause any type of phlegm. If there is phlegm, the cough will instead be oily. A dry cough should be treated with certain types of remedies that make it easier to loosen and expel phlegm so that the airways are cleaned up.

In addition, certain special situations can cause episodes of dry cough, without a disease being involved. This is the case for environments contaminated by tobacco smoke, excessive humidity but also sudden changes in temperature.

The most common causes of dry cough in children are:

  • Very cold or dry environments
  • Places where air conditioning devices operate
  • Strong odors
  • Allergic reactions
  • Spaces where there is a lot of dust
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract from a cold or flu
  • Following diseases related to gastric reflux

As you can see, the causes of dry cough can be completely different. Whether it’s from a cold, exposure to a substance that causes throat irritation, allergy, asthma, a very dry and cold place, or even gastric reflux. .

Often times, parents are looking for natural solutions to deal with their children’s dry cough. Whether with a natural treatment or a drug, the goal is to relieve the discomfort and pain that a dry cough produces in children.

Natural treatments to calm children’s dry coughs

There are several natural remedies for relieving dry cough symptoms that can comfort children and help them feel better. Discover them all!

Also remember that it is very important to monitor the frequency of dry coughs in children. If after some time and the application of these treatments the dry cough does not improve, you need to consult a specialist.

Drink lots of fluids

Ingesting plenty of fluids during the period of respiratory irritation is essential in improving the bothersome symptoms of a dry cough. For this reason, you should drink plenty of water, preferably at room temperature and especially never cold or too hot.

Giving the child enough water several times a day is one way to keep the airways well moistened. Drinking water at room temperature will effectively minimize the effects of dry cough.

Steam baths

Steam baths are the best remedies for clearing phlegm, clearing bronchi, and relieving coughs. For this reason, steam baths are another way to help your child deal with a dry cough.

To achieve the best result, the child should breathe steam, if possible, for 20 minutes. This will help it reduce irritation and moisten the airways. Check before that the temperature of the steam baths is not too high to avoid possible burns.

Fruit juices without citrus

non-citrus fruit juices to treat dry cough in children

It is important that the fruit juices that you give your child when he is suffering from a dry cough do not contain citrus fruits. Indeed, citrus fruits produce more mucus as well as hot drinks.

So to reduce slime you must use other natural fruits in the preparation of your juices. Remember that the respiratory tract is part of the skin. Thus, the mucosa, like the rest of the dermis, should be treated at room temperature.

Air diffusers

Place an air diffuser in the child’s room, turn it on and let it run for a few minutes, while your child is away. The idea is that the child who suffers from a dry cough sleeps in a room with enough humidity and heat.

You can also add eucalyptus or bay leaf essence to your air diffuser. Thus, the smell of eucalyptus will help the child to clear his airways. In addition, the benefits of eucalyptus will also help your child relax to sleep more easily.

Honey lemon syrup to treat dry cough

To reduce the pain caused by dry cough, you can also use this natural remedy with honey and lemon. Give your child a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of lemon before going to sleep. This remedy will help him relieve dry cough episodes when he goes to bed.

It is common for the cough to increase at night, this is due to the horizontal position in which the body is located. Therefore, the feeling of drowning and irritation of the mucous membranes also increases a lot.

Natural syrup recipe to treat dry cough

We present to you the recipe for natural syrup made from lemon and honey to calm a dry cough.  Lemon, although it is a citrus fruit, helps to alkalize the body quickly. Honey, on the other hand, helps eliminate bacteria and hydrates the throat.

This natural syrup with lemon and honey will provide relief to your child if he suffers from a dry cough. Note its ingredients and how to prepare it:


  • 1 cup of honey (336 g)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 lemon


  • Place the honey in a saucepan and heat it over low heat. Be careful, do not boil the honey, because it will lose all of its properties.
  • Then pour the water and the whole lemon into another container that you have washed well beforehand.
  • Cook the lemon for 3 minutes or until it becomes very soft.
  • Remove the lemon from the heat, filter the water and let cool. Then cut the lemon into slices and remove the seeds.
  • Then add this lemon to the heating honey and cook it all at low temperature for an hour.
  • After the indicated time, remove the mixture from the heat and remove the lemon slices.
  • Finally, let cool and pour the resulting liquid into a sterilized bottle with a lid.

This syrup made from honey and lemon can be suitable for both children and adults, as it is ideal for calming dry coughs. Regarding the amounts, children can take half a teaspoon three times a day. Adults can take a spoonful of this syrup as many times as they deem necessary.

If after a week the dry cough has not disappeared, it is best to consult a doctor and not to wait for other complications to occur before taking action. Likewise, seek immediate medical attention if you notice fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing, or if the people around you with persistent dry cough are children or the elderly.


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