How Do You Know If An Egg Is Still Fresh?

Eating a fresh egg can endanger our health. So it is essential to know the signs that can indicate that its consumption date has passed.

The world consumption of eggs per capita is at least 300 units per year. We are therefore talking here about one of the most consumed proteins. It is therefore important to know how to recognize an egg that is no longer fresh.

Almost everyone eats eggs in large quantities. But do you know how to distinguish between an egg in full freshness and an egg that should perhaps not be eaten?

Indeed, sometimes in a pack of 12 or 24 eggs, we find 3 or 4 which have “passed” of date.

In this article, we are going to tell you what looks like an egg that is no longer fresh and other interesting information.

The appearance of the shell is fundamental

The shell is precisely what protects the content of this nourishing protein from external contamination.

In fact, there are microbes which, under certain environmental conditions, can penetrate through the shell. And then proliferate inside the egg.

It is therefore essential to check the appearance, composition and texture of the shell in detail.

  • A sign of quality is its hardness and also the fact that it has no spots.
  • If there is a small hole or breakage, it is better not to buy or consume it.
  • Soft shells are prone to let in contaminants, no matter how small. These then accelerate the decomposition of the internal substance.

Chalazes and egg white

The condition of chalazes is an indicator that allows us to know exactly whether an egg is fresh or not when it is cooked. They are flexible and whitish formations which fix the yolk in the center of the shell.

If you break an egg and find that part of it is whole, full, and clearly visible, then it is a fairly fresh egg.

The more chalazes, the fresher the egg.

It is also essential to observe the white. If it disperses easily, it means the product is not in its best condition.

However, the problem with these indicators is that you have to break the shell to check them. Obviously, consumers prefer to try to identify less fresh eggs when they are still whole.

The yolk also says a lot about the quality of the egg.

Another element to consider is yellow. It should not appear detached and should be attached to the rest of the blank. When moving the egg, the yolk should always stay attached to the white.

If you see that it comes off at the slightest movement, you are facing an egg that is not fresh. In addition, the yellow should look quite bright, compact and whole.

It is important to note that any discernible abnormality in the yolk or white is indicative of contamination, of decomposition. Or at least a lack of freshness of this everyday product.

Other signs that the egg is not fresh

Person who breaks a fresh egg.

Odor is perhaps the most significant symptom that indicates that an egg is not fresh. If an egg emits a rotting smell, the correct thing to do is to throw it away because it is in the process of decomposing.

The glass of water test

To perform this test, we only need a medium sized glass. What we have to do is fill it with water, without going all the way to the brim.

Then we will put the egg in the glass. The procedure is simple:

  • If it sinks, it means it is still fresh.
  • Otherwise, if it floats in the glass, it is a symptom of an egg that is not fresh. It may even be in poor condition. At this point, consuming it can harm the health of the consumer.

What damage can eggs in poor condition cause to the human body?

Damage of an unhealthy egg.

In August 2017, a big scandal erupted in the Netherlands over eggs.

It was caused by the contamination of a large number of chickens and eggs with an insecticide called fipronil. Even if this food problem has not affected France or other countries, European consumers remain on the alert.

Salmonella is the worst risk to humans when consuming eggs. This infection is caused by a very dangerous pathogen, which is particularly easy to enter the shell and reproduce in the yolk.

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