Honey And Garlic Remedy To Heal The Liver

Cut the garlic cloves in half so that their properties combine with honey. The latter must be organic to offer truly natural and healthy benefits.

This simple honey garlic remedy is a very powerful treatment that promotes liver health.

It is a natural antibiotic that has high levels of antioxidants and vitamins that regenerate the sick or intoxicated liver.

It is essential to know that honey should be organic and as pure as possible. If you are not confident in the origin of the honey you have at home, it is better not to consume it because otherwise it can bring more problems than benefits.

The combination of organic garlic and honey will balance you from the inside out as you will purify your body and strengthen your immune system.

It only takes a simple spoonful of this preparation per day, to obtain good results after a week. Are you ready to give it a try?

The benefits of garlic and honey to take care of the liver

We must never forget that a healthy liver is essential for our well-being.

This means that any bad habit, like smoking, a bad diet or even a sedentary life, has consequences on our body.

You have surely gone through days where you felt bloated, with little energy and very heavy digestions. What is this due to?

Usually these symptoms are caused by a liver saturated with toxins and elements that cannot be purified properly.

Before resorting to medication, it is best to consult a doctor and improve your diet.

  • A healthy liver promotes blood circulation. In addition, it properly separates nutrients from toxic substances in our body.
  • It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids to promote this internal purification. 
  • The liver needs an adequate level of antioxidants and vitamin C, thanks to which tissues are regenerated and functions optimized.
  • A natural diet, without processed elements, without white flour or sugars, strengthens our liver health.

Garlic and honey are two exceptional resources that will help you achieve these dimensions in your daily life. We explain how they work.

Organic honey is good for the health of the liver

Honey is nature’s nectar because it is excellent for your health. It’s high in glucose, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, and it’s one of the best foods for the liver.

  • One of the best properties of honey is its great natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory power.
  • The best honey for the liver is rosemary honey. Its glucose is rapidly absorbed and turns into energy immediately. In this way, it does not require too much work on the liver and does not consume a lot of glycogen for its transformation.
  • Honey is a natural purifier capable of strengthening liver tissue to regenerate it in cases of fatty liver.

However, we insist that honey must be organic.

Garlic takes care of our liver health

Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, antibiotic, and fungicide, and has incredible liver health benefits.

  • Many people are used to consuming a clove of garlic on an empty stomach every morning. If the smell bothers you, do not hesitate to try this preparation made with honey and garlic.
  • It should also not be forgotten that garlic is great for fighting against pathogens that attack the liver or also for purifying toxic substances that accumulate.
  • We must therefore emphasize the function of its metabolites, amino acids and proteins, which strengthen the liver, improve digestion and fight against bad cholesterol or LDL.

How to prepare the remedy with honey and garlic?

honey and garlic


  • A glass container
  • Then, a head of garlic
  • And plenty of honey to fill the container


  • Peel the garlic, then cut the cloves in half with a sharp knife. In this way, its natural and therapeutic compounds permeate the honey.
  • Then, put the cut garlic cloves in the glass container and pour the honey little by little.
  • The objective is therefore to avoid voids or air bubbles. To do this, use a spoonful so that all the void is well filled. Thus, the maceration will be more optimal.
  • Once it’s ready, then close the container tightly and let it sit for a week. Then consume it normally.
  • It only takes a spoonful of honey a day with a clove of garlic to take care of our health and our liver.
  • It is very effective!

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