Herbal Remedies To Relieve Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia

Combined with our usual treatment, herbal remedies can alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. For example, cayenne pepper, thanks to its capsaicin content, helps relieve pain.

The precise causes of the origin of fibromyalgia are still not known today. It should therefore be approached in a multidisciplinary manner. Certain lifestyle habits, medical rules, a correct diet as well as certain medicinal plants can therefore help us on a daily basis.

Herbal remedies that can relieve symptoms of fibromyalgiafibromyalgia

First of all, you may be wondering if this herbal series is really effective. It was the Department of Physiology of the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil) who indicated that there are different natural remedies capable of relieving, in various ways, the effects of fibromyalgia.

We must take into account that these plants will not cure us. They will not restore our functions, nor will they provide us with a normal life without pain or fatigue. These herbal remedies only alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

They make the latter more bearable if we combine them with other medical treatments, psychological strategies and adapted eating habits. Let’s first see how they can help us:

  • Improve the quality of sleep
  • Reduce symptoms of depression
  • Reduce pain
  • Reduce joint stiffness
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Slightly combat fatigue

Let’s see now that they are the ones who can help us.

1. Harpagophytum

We also know it as “devil’s claw”. You can find it in natural stores as well as in pharmacies, in the form of tablets or sachets ready to be infused.

Commission E of the German Ministry of Health encourages its use for all people who suffer from joint pain, rheumatism, arthritis and arthritis. It is indeed a great anti-inflammatory. It also significantly reduces pain. Harpagophytum also has no harmful effects.

It promotes recovery from trauma. It is a digestive and stomach plant that is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. The hapargophytum is very indicated for the cases of fibromyalgia, ideal to take every morning.

2. St. John’s Wort

We also know it as the plant of Saint John. St. John’s Wort is a very effective natural remedy for treating sadness, discouragement and mild depression.

This infusion is very healthy for our body in cases of fibromyalgia . It provides us with organic acids, essential oils, keratin, limonene and tannins. A natural wonder worth taking every day in the morning and afternoon.

3. Cayenne pepper

It may surprise you. We do indeed believe that the cayenne pepper ignites. The reality is different. It is a very healthy food, like garlic, ginger or mustard.

The virtues of cayenne pepper reside in an element called capsaicin. The latter encourages the release of substance P which, thanks to its hot action, reduces pain. Capsaicin creams are very likely to ring a bell. We use them for the treatment of various painful diseases.

You should therefore not be afraid, for example, of preparing two infusions of cayenne pepper per day.

A wonderful way to consume it and enjoy its virtues is to heat a glass of hot water, soak a bag of green tea, a pinch of cayenne pepper and then a few drops of lemon juice. Once the mixture boils, let it sit and add a spoonful of honey to it. It will do you good.fibromyalgia

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