Happiness Feeds On Reality, Not Dreams

To achieve happiness, we must necessarily go through difficult times, because it is the only way to be able to value what we have in it. ‘present time.

Dreams allow us to escape and think about our happiness, but if we want it to materialize and last, we must turn our gaze to our reality.

Many of our desires do not come true. They remain ideas that will never come to life. Maybe it’s because we don’t reason correctly.

We let ourselves be carried away by the confidence we had when imagining them as dreams.

This way of seeing life, even if it offers us a few fleeting moments of happiness, often prevents us from living the reality that we spend so much time imagining.

Reality is the one you build

Our life can sometimes seem contradictory to us. Our dreams remain only simple thoughts and the realities of our existence hurt us and do not allow us to contemplate the future with serenity.

But the key is in balance.

To start with, we need to give you some keys so that you can keep your feet on the ground, to avoid creating totally unfeasible fantasy worlds.

  • Can you achieve the goals you set for yourself? Without realizing it, sometimes we dream of impossible things. Impossible because we do not have the means to reach them. Whether it’s money, work or family, there are many factors that can prevent us from achieving our goals.
  • Be honest with yourself and take stock of your strengths and weaknesses as objectively as possible. You cannot become a doctor if the sight of blood makes you dizzy. You have to be realistic to discover your abilities, in order to get as far as possible in life.
  • The path is made by walking. If you are grounded in your comfort zone, how can you imagine achieving your wildest dreams? You have to move forward so that you can get what you want.

If you are unable to move, you will not get anywhere.

It is necessary to take into account these tips to be able to successfully make our dreams come true and walk towards happiness.

You will not be able to achieve this without combining these three elements.

Happiness in reality is not always only positive

Happiness is not only the shape and colors of a rainbow, it is also made up of shadows. We often confuse this term with the expression “to be happy”. A state that is simply impossible to achieve because our emotions are constantly changing.

Happiness is being in harmony with yourself, whether things are going our way or not, no matter what small obstacles come your way.

If you start by setting impossible goals for yourself, if you think that everything should be simple and easy in life, you are seriously wrong.

Goals are achieved by making efforts and sacrifices.  You must therefore devote hours to training yourself, to surpass yourself. You have to go through each day learning new things, making the most of your mistakes.

Don’t think that every failure you face takes you a step backwards. It is simply an opportunity to redirect your path to take the correct path.

Because happiness is not only made up of joy. We cannot be a concentrate of positive emotions. Light and shadow have complementary purposes, and must be balanced so that we can be in harmony with ourselves and with the world around us.

Open your eyes to reality

We have been blind for far too long. To believe that every mistake is a defeat is a distortion of reality. We just have to open our eyes to understand what we are doing wrong. 

Did you stop walking every time you fell as a child? Have you never ridden a bike again after scraping your knees when removing your casters?

You were certainly much more opinionated when you were a child than now. Adulthood comes with its share of fears, insecurities and false beliefs.

Start by taking small steps to achieve what you want. Be patient. Even though time seems to be rushing fast, it is passing much slower than you might think.

So don’t give up, keep a positive frame of mind and show persistence. You will then quickly realize that you can build your happiness in reality, and not on unattainable dreams.

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