Green Drinks: Great For Burning Fat

Did you know that you can help your body burn fat the natural way? In this article, we give you the recipes for making three juices that will help you achieve your goal.

Green drinks are particularly recommended for detoxifying the body and for burning fat. Due to their high vitamin and mineral content, they are ideal for getting real results.

In this article, we are going to find out about some of these green drinks.

Thanks to their properties, they  are very effective in burning fat. Therefore, they are therefore very beneficial for people who want to lose weight in a natural way.  And without having to resort to treatments that are invasive or that could put their health at risk.

Kiwi, spinach and lettuce cocktail

Green drinks: excellent for burning fat: kiwi, spinach, lettuce

The combination of these three foods gives us a delicious and healthy juice, very rich in fiber, chlorophyll and antioxidants. Its diuretic properties allow you to burn enough fat to lose extra pounds.

Plus, the nutrients in these fabulous green drinks provide relief from digestive issues.  They are also an effective remedy for stress.

How to prepare this juice?

  • Peel and wash a kiwi.
  • Wash five spinach leaves and three lettuce leaves.
  • Place everything in the blender.
  • Add a glass of water and a spoonful of honey.
  • Then, mix the ingredients until they are all well combined.
  • Then filter the liquid.

The drink is ready to be consumed!

It is recommended to take this juice at least three times a week, and preferably in the morning.

Prickly pear juice, celery, pineapple, grapefruit and honey

Green drinks: great for burning fat: Celery and pineapple

By mixing all these ingredients, you get a pleasant drink that contains many nutrients and is very beneficial to the body. Due to its fiber content, which contributes to the elimination of fats and toxins, it is an excellent natural diuretic.

Take this excellent cocktail on an empty stomach for five days in a row, then after a week’s rest, take it again in the same way.

If your body absorbs it well, you can continue to take it at this rate, but if for some reason you find it difficult to take it, drink it only once a week. Its effects will be felt despite everything.

Prepare this juice using half a prickly pear, two stalks of celery, the juice of two grapefruits, a slice of pineapple and a spoonful of honey. Mix all the ingredients until the mixture is perfectly homogeneous, and it will be ready for consumption.

Green drinks to burn fat

Green drink to burn fat

This green drink is specially designed to burn fat and should be consumed in the morning preferably.  Take it for ten days, then stop for ten days.

This wonderful juice is an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, fiber, folic acid, omega-3s, phytochemicals and antioxidants.

How to prepare this juice?

  • Combine a stalk of celery, seven spinach leaves, half a cup of parsley, an apple cut into pieces (with the skin), the juice of a lemon and half a cucumber. These ingredients should be mixed well and the juice can be consumed immediately.

Keep in mind that all of these green drinks are cleansing. Their consumption should therefore not be too frequent or prolonged.

Pay attention to your reactions and if you can’t stand them, stop consuming these juices. Indeed, all organisms do not react in the same way to treatments, even if they are completely natural food products!

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