Foods That Make You Fat The Most

It’s because of MSG that we can’t stop after eating French fries. This additive could promote overweight, the onset of coronary heart disease, and even hypertension.

We must learn to eat healthy at all costs to avoid destroying our health. Because the body soaks up the food that we provide it daily, and some can have disastrous effects on the body. Find out which foods make you fat the most.

We live in a time where work, daily concerns and other hassles take precedence over everything. Particularly on our food, which has become more superficial and less nutritious. 

Our daily diet is unfortunately not that often natural. Since we spend our time consuming canned foods, sodas, concentrated juices and instant soups. By forgetting vegetables , fruits and other important fibers.

Nowadays, it has become less common to prepare a good homemade meal with healthy ingredients. Because almost everyone is looking to cook a tasty meal quickly. But leaving aside the health factor. The same goes for children. They mostly look for sweets, sodas, burgers and crisps. Obviously, the consequences are not long in coming. Obesity affects millions of people around the world today.

It is clear that the foods that make you fat the most are generally more tempting!


charcuterie, one of the foods that make you fat the most

Foods that make you fat the most

Here are some foods that can cause us to gain weight in a short time:

  • The ready meals. As well as burgers, fries, fatty desserts and pizzas.
  • The pasta. Because even if they have a lot of positive points for health, but consume them with a lot of sauce, condiments and cheese.
  • Pre-cooked meat and cold cuts. Since they contain saturated fat, sodium and a lot of calories.
  • Salads are very healthy, but they shouldn’t be soaked in dressing.
  • Fried foods. It is best to consume foods that are steamed, broiled, baked, roasted or sautéed. Because fried foods absorb a lot of oil, which increases the amount of their calories.
  • The sodas are also part of the list.
  • Foods made from flour or refined sugar.
  • White chocolate  is the one that contains the most sugar and therefore makes you fat the most.

Have you ever eaten a food without feeling full from it?  This is a very interesting question which has an explanation. Note that this is due to the existence of a component that is added to salty, cooked foods, canned foods, quick meals, Chinese dishes, etc.

Monosodium glutamate

This component is also found in natural foods which contain proteins, dairy products, meat, fish and some vegetables. This component is monosodium glutamate, a fairly addicting flavor enhancer. This is why we rarely have the strength to stop eating a packet of crisps before having completely finished it, for example.

This ingredient makes meals more flavorful , especially if you add a flavor called umami (“tasty” in Japanese) which gives a better taste in general.

This additive could create a kind of obsession with the foods that contain it. Which causes obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. Monosodium glutamate advocates say the negative effects attributed to it are not scientifically proven.

We can obviously not ignore this component present in many natural foods. But the question is whether it is really necessary and good to add it to ready-made meals …

frying, one of the foods that make you fat the most

Maintain a healthy weight without depriving yourself

The fight against weight gain is one of the struggles that many of us face every day in our lives.  However, this does not mean that we should completely deprive ourselves of everything.

But you should still be aware that burning more fat in the body helps us maintain a normal weight. Remember that in order to lose 1 pound of fat, you will need to burn almost 7,800 calories.

The best solution is without a doubt to go for natural foods that will be healthier for our body and to eliminate or reduce the foods that make you fat the most!

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