Food Enzymes: What Are They Used For?

The enzymes found in kiwi fruit improve digestion and prevent constipation and gas formation. What are the other enzymes? What are they for ? We answer these questions here.

Food enzymes are proteins that generally have a digestive function. In general, these enzymes serve to improve the processes of breakdown and absorption of nutrients. This is why certain foods rich in enzymes are recommended in case of constipation. These foods help reduce the symptoms associated with this process.

Food enzymes can also function as mediators in certain chemical and physiological reactions. Certain enzymes therefore have anti-inflammatory and even antioxidant properties.

What else should you know about food enzymes? We explain everything you need to know on the subject in the rest of this article.

Proteolytic enzymes

Certain enzymes such as, for example, actinidin present only in kiwifruit, can intervene in the protein breakdown by improving the absorption of amino acids. Their function is fundamentally digestive, as explained in this article published in the journal Food Function .

In the scientific literature, we also find tests that associate the consumption of this enzyme with a decrease in constipation. Some studies in humans, like this study published in Asia Pacific Journl of Clinical Nutrition , show that consuming kiwifruit can reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Pineapple is another food that contains a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain. This enzyme is able to improve protein destruction to then absorb amino acids. This fruit is also known for its diuretic and digestive properties, which is why it is recommended to consume it after a large meal: pineapple helps reduce bloating and flatulence.

Kiwi juice contains enzymes

Anti-inflammatory enzymes

The papain present in papaya is an enzyme with a strong anti-inflammatory power. It is also found in various oral preparations due to its strong antimicrobial power. According to this study which was published in the  Brazilian Dental Journal , this enzyme may be effective against several types of cavities, as it is able to modulate the immune response and inflammation.

Moreover, according to an article published in the journal Nutrients , regular consumption of papaya could also help prevent obesity as well as other metabolic disorders. This would be mainly due to its antioxidant, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic properties. But it’s not yet clear whether these properties come from papain or from the rest of the nutrients found in this exotic fruit.

Enzymes in food supplements

Nowadays, studies show that taking dietary supplements containing enzymes can provide health benefits. Some protein preparations contain these substances. It seems that such food supplements help reduce stomach or intestinal discomfort associated with the consumption of a large dose of protein. The enzymes would also help reduce gas, a really important benefit.

The sports supplement industry is testing substances with different chemical structures in order to improve these processes in the absorption of nutrients. The results obtained for the digestibility of whey protein were sufficiently positive to include enzymes in high quality protein products.

Enzymes in food supplements

There are still plenty of points to study on the subject

Enzymes may have many other functions beyond the known ones. Researchers are studying the effects of enzymes during allergic processes and even their link with the onset of certain diseases.

Several in vitro models  have been described. However, there are no human trials to demonstrate these results yet. These models constitute, therefore, a field of study for the coming years which will depend on knowledge in physiology.

We can, at present, recommend certain foods to relieve heavy digestion, such as pineapple or kiwi. We know that these foods have anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties. However, it is not yet possible to say without a shadow of a doubt that these properties are due to the presence of enzymes in these foods and not to the presence of flavonoids.

Anyway, as a conclusion, it is good to keep in mind that the enzymes mentioned are found in food products of plant origin. This is one more reason to prefer these products over the processed products that are so common in everyday life.


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