Find Out The Factors Responsible For Obesity

Obesity has several factors which do not always imply a poor diet.

It is undeniable that obesity is a major global health problem. So it’s no wonder that there are all kinds of diets, magic solutions, and methods to achieve the ideal weight. In this article, we tell you about the various factors responsible for obesity.

It is an interesting topic because it will allow you to see beyond what is obvious to everyone.

Leaving aside whether these diets are healthy or not, and whether or not they are appropriate, it is important to know that obesity does not always have the same causes for everyone.

Of course, a person who follows a high calorie diet increases their risk of obesity. However, it is still possible to find people who have been healthy their entire lives and suddenly put on weight.

Calories consumed

One of the factors responsible for obesity is the high calorie diet. That is, the one that gives you more calories than you can burn. In fact, there must be a balance between the calories you consume and the physical activity you do during the day.

factors responsible for obesity: calories

When your calorie intake is excessive, you end up accumulating fat. Which leads to an increase in fat cells. To combat this problem, the solutions are relatively simple:

  • Consume fewer calories per meal. If you’re having trouble measuring amounts or aren’t sure how much to eat, seek advice from a nutritionist. It will give you the rules that facilitate the calculation and the right combination of foods.
  • Increase the amount of exercise. Even if you have a better diet, it is important to watch your weight. Try to get at least half an hour of exercise per day. But try to do more to lose weight, not just maintain your ideal weight.

Genetics may be one of the factors responsible for obesity

Another determining factor in the development of obesity is genetics. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see that in families where the parents are obese, the children repeat this tendency.

Part of the reason is poor diet. In this sense, if everyone eats high calorie foods without measuring portions, the weight gain is a direct consequence.

However, children of overweight mothers will find it difficult to control the movements of certain muscles. In addition, there are the risks of pregnancy for overweight women, who will have difficulty giving birth.

genetics may be one of the factors responsible for obesity


To prevent your children from becoming obese, we recommend that you reach your ideal or closest weight before trying to get pregnant.

Sugar, one of the main factors responsible for obesity

These days, it seems impossible to consume processed foods that do not contain sugar,  regardless of the type of food. Of course, there are several types of sugar and some are beneficial. However, the sugars added to most processed foods change your body’s hormones and biochemistry.

Among the foods that you should avoid are those that contain various types of sugars. When in doubt, it is best to check the labels of the products you are purchasing. Above all, avoid regularly consuming those that contain added sugar.

If it’s not clear when you read the labels, remember that their name ends with “ose” (sucrose, sucralose, glucose, fructose, etc.).

Lack of physical activity leads to obesity

In any healthy diet, exercise is mentioned as a determining factor in preventing or combating obesity. A minimum of 30 minutes per day is usually recommended, although it is ideal to do a little more.

Sedentary lifestyle, factor responsible for obesity

When you have a very busy life that doesn’t allow you to go to the gym, it can seem like being overweight is natural. However, it is always better to find the opportunity to include some type of physical activity.

If this is the case, try taking a few minutes every hour for a short walk or some stretching. To supplement these efforts, try to walk whenever you can and do as much physical activity as possible.

It can be in particular:

  • Carry the shopping bags
  • Vacuum or sweep
  • Get off the bus one station before
  • Play ball with your children
  • Go dancing with your partner or friends during the weekend

As you can see, obesity has several factors, but they are often accompanied by poor diet.


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