Feed The Children With Love And Their Fears Will Starve

From a very young age, we must educate our children with love so that they become self-confident people. ‘they feel supported in every project they undertake.

Love is this essential motor that feeds the bonds between a mother, a father for his children. Any new child who is born does not just need food, shelter and safety.

Sincere affection is so essential that if one fails or is absent, it causes serious problems in the development of the child.

You may have heard of bondage disorder. It is a delicate and very complex subject. This is why it is worth exploring it further to understand all the aspects of love that influence the growth of our children.

Today, we invite you to find out more about this interesting topic. And to feed your children every day with this sincere and uncompromising love. Able to guide them in strength and in freedom, to make them mature people, capable of building their happiness.

The delicate but powerful bond of love between mother and children

The union between a mother and a child is created at the uterine level with the umbilical cord capable of providing food, but not only.

This warm and exceptional refuge contained in the placenta is also a transmitter of emotions between the two. It is therefore essential to take it into account and promote it positively.

The bond that is created after birth

In recent years, it has been discovered that it is important for the newborn to stay as long as possible against the mother’s skin immediately after birth.

Sometimes childbirth becomes so formal that the baby passes from hand to hand. Then we wash it and give it back to its mother.

The studies on this subject are very numerous and conclude the following things:

  • The newborn must come into contact with its mother’s skin to build this emotional bond.
  • Babies interpret the world from their senses. The temperature of the mother’s thorax generates a feeling of warm security which immediately calms the child.
  • In the mother, oxytocin is immediately secreted, the hormone directly linked to the love and affection between mother and child.

In addition, when a baby is breastfed for the first time by its mother, oxytocins also cause more milk production.

It is essential that a baby, when it has just been born, stays skin-to-skin with its mother for a good time. It is also an exceptional way to build a bond.

The love bond disorder with children

We all know that factors like abandonment, lack of genuine affection, abuse, or severe upbringing generate serious problems in the emotional world of the child.

Bond disorder occurs when traumatic breaks in the emotional bond between the child and his progenitors take place during the earliest stages of his childhood. 

All this has serious consequences for the development of the child. Because he can suffer from hyperactivity or even post-traumatic stress, feelings of anger …

Love affair with children

What seems more complicated now is knowing when our children are experiencing bondage deficiencies. Here are some examples:

  • There are children who, if they have been left in daycare centers at a very young age because of their parents’ professional obligations, suffer from great anxiety and experience it in a traumatic manner.
  • We can have several children, but each of them will have their own needs. Hence the fact that some may be jealous and have more needs than others.
  • There are babies who have to spend some time in incubators and hospitals. It can also cause episodes of stress when they are away from the mother figure.

There are many situations where children can suffer from “bond disorder”.

We should not feel guilty if at some point our child experiences this. Because, as we said, there are some children who have more needs than others and this is something that we have to learn to feel.

Feed our children with love so that their fear starves

We can fight Bondage Disorder with the help of affection, that healthy, strong, respectful and secure union, in the following ways:

  • Maintain physical contact with the newborn. Breastfeeding is very positive, as well as hugs, hugs, tender words …
  • Listen to your baby’s cry.
  • As they grow older, never hesitate to make them feel like you love them. Talk to them, answer the hundreds of questions. Put out their fears. Give wings to their dreams. Provide them with security and tools to strengthen their self-esteem.

The bond is an invisible bond that feeds on the love of children. It is the invisible umbilical cord nourished by love, which will always unite you with your children and which you will have to nourish every day.

A strong union fueled by affection provides the world with children capable of achieving their dreams.

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