Eliminate Bad Smells From Your Clothes

In addition to removing bad smells and stains from different clothes, these natural tips offer a softening effect at no additional cost.

Are you struggling to remove bad odors from your clothes? Sometimes this is due to the absorption of sweat or because they have been locked in the closet for a long time.

Clothes tend to acquire unpleasant odors which are difficult to remove in a basic wash.

The presence of mold in cabinets, their exposure to strong smelling environments, or the smell of bodily fluids often leave an uncomfortable feeling.

The latter therefore prevents us from wearing the clothes we would like.

So the fastest way to combat this phenomenon is to use fabric softeners and other chemicals that easily penetrate the fabrics.

But these options can be harmful, not only because they affect the environment, but also because their components can cause adverse health reactions.

The good news is that there are several homemade methods that, by mixing natural ingredients, help neutralize odors without affecting the quality of the fabrics.

In this article, we therefore want to share with you 6 ecological tips that will make this task easier without putting your health at risk.

1. White vinegar for bad smells in your clothes

White vinegar against bad odors in your clothes. 

White vinegar has multiple household cleaning applications and is a great alternative for washing clothes.

Its acidic compounds help deodorize bad odors and thus facilitate the removal of stains.

In fact, some consider that white vinegar is a good alternative to fabric softeners because they give fabrics a very pleasant texture.

How to use it ?

  • Pour half a cup of white vinegar into the washing machine, just like you do with fabric softener.
  • For odors that are too strong, add the vinegar in a jump with water and immerse the clothes in it for 20 minutes.

2. Cold air for bad smells in your clothes

Cold air, like that in the refrigerator, is a good option against the mildew smell that permeates some clothes.

How to use it ?

  • Take an airtight bag, put the garment inside.
  • Then put it in the fridge for a few hours.
  • When the time is up, take it out, rinse it, and air dry.

3. Baking soda against bad odors in your clothes

The bicarbonate is soda from one of the natural ingredients that most are used as a method of ecological cleaning.

Its absorbency thus facilitates the elimination of substances that cause unpleasant odors and stains on clothes.

Applied directly, it therefore removes perspiration residues and exerts a whitening effect to leave clothes impeccable.

In addition, it enhances the colors of clothes and takes care of delicate fabrics.

How to use it ?

  • Sprinkle the product on the clothes you want to wash and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Then remove with a brush.
  • Optionally, put a small amount in the cupboards so that it absorbs the mold smell.

4. Tea tree oil for bad smells in your clothes

The essential oil of tea tree is a product highlighted for its antibacterial and antifungal components.

Indeed, in addition to improving health, this oil facilitates the cleaning of many areas of the home.

Regarding the care of clothes, it is used as an odor neutralizer because it eliminates the smell of humidity.

How to use it ?

  • Put a small amount of tea tree oil in a spray with water.
  • Then apply to the affected clothing.
  • Wait for it to act for an hour in the open air and check that the bad smell is gone.

5. Lemon juice for bad smells in your clothes

Lemon juice against bad odors from your clothes. 

Fresh lemon juice is a natural ingredient that can be used to eliminate the smell of sweat and, in the process, the stains caused by it.

Thus, its citric acid easily penetrates the tissues and removes substances.

How to use it ?

  • Dilute the juice of several lemons in two liters of lukewarm water.
  • Then soak the clothes in for 30 or 40 minutes.
  • When the time is up, rinse as usual and air dry.

6. Orange peel for bad smells in your clothes

Orange peel diffuses a citrus scent that can help neutralize unpleasant odors caused by sweat and substances that have stained clothes.

Its compounds are gentle on fabrics, leave a soft texture and facilitate the removal of stains and dirt.

How to use it ?

  • Boil several orange peels in two liters of water and when it comes to a boil, let stand for a few minutes. Then put the clothes to soak.
  • After two or three hours, then rinse it off and dry in the sun.

As you can see, you don’t have to spend on chemicals to get rid of bad odors on clothes.

Whip up one of these solutions and say goodbye to smells every time they bother you.

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