Does Love Have An Age?

Thinking that love has an age is a way of limiting it or not letting it express itself. It is to impose conditions on it before it even appears.

Many people refuse to believe that love has an age, and yet they are overly scrupulous and concerned about this issue when starting a relationship.

It happens because of all the prejudices that are in our head that tell us things like “when I get this age I will be an old man”. “What will happen when reality slams the door in our face?”.

And yet, you shouldn’t be afraid of a relationship just because of the age of the person you love. It is better to let yourself be carried away and guided by the heart.

Are you worried about what will be said?

Sometimes a relationship can fail but it’s not because of a question of age, it’s because of our state of mind, which has always considered that everything would go wrong.

Society tells you and your friends too, and even if you don’t want to admit it, they influence you tremendously.

But, why at first do we always have the impression that everything will be fine? Why is everything simpler during the first moments, when idealization and expectations transport us to a world full of dreams and hope?

At the beginning, anything is possible. However, when we finally open our eyes, we begin to be afraid of “what will we say”.

Even if you don’t want to accept it, there are many worries that are starting to envelop you:

  • When he or she is old / old, I should take care of it: this is one of the first ideas that come to mind.
    But it is quite possible to date someone our age who, because of an accident, becomes paraplegic. An accident or natural causes can have the same consequences.
    Is this so important in love?
  • He is more mature than you: the age indicated on our identity card is not necessarily the one we have.
    A 40-year-old can be very immature while a 20-year-old can be particularly mature. Age is only a number and does not reflect a person’s maturity.
  • You will no longer like it: Attention! Physical attraction is important, but true love is not based on it.
    We all end up losing our best physical attributes. And when someone loves you the way you are, it doesn’t matter.
    The other fell in love with your interior, because the exterior is just an envelope that, over time, will deteriorate.

Love only has age if you give it one

So we come to the conclusion that love only has an age if you give it one and if you let yourself be carried away by the prejudices and beliefs of those around you.

Think about the amount of times you’ve been told that opposites attract. In some couples this surely works, but not in all.

It is important to let go of all those beliefs that are preventing you from enjoying pure, healthy, and natural love.

Love has an age only if you think it has one. An age conditioned by physique and health. All the while, we underestimate what should matter above all: love in its maximum expression.

It doesn’t matter if someone falls in love with someone 40 or older. What is important is that they are happy together and that they love each other.

What will happen tomorrow? No one knows, but what we can say is that this will all end.

Because having an age difference does not mean breaking up. If not, does that mean that those who are the same age would be more likely to stay together?

couple on the beach


Considering that love has an age is a way of limiting it and putting conditions on it before it even appears and makes you change your mind.

Love flows, it is unexpected, it surprises us and allows us to learn. Do not put barriers on him, and do not try to stop him if he does not appear according to the circumstances and your principles.

To believe that love has an age is to say that it has an end point, when it can be a life-long experience, contrary to any prognosis, obviously, inaccurate.

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