Does Epidural Reduce Risk Of Postpartum Depression?

Epidurals by themselves do not reduce the risk of postpartum depression. The pain felt during childbirth can nevertheless be associated with a greater or lesser risk of suffering from it.

Epidural anesthesia can be very helpful in relieving pain during childbirth. Can it also help reduce the risk of postpartum depression?

Can epidurals prevent postpartum depression?

A study published in 2014 associated epidural anesthesia with postpartum depression. She indicated that only 14% of participants who received epidural anesthesia subsequently suffered from depression. In contrast, 35% of women who had  not received it  suffered  from this condition .

It would therefore seem that  the application of the epidural may be a factor reducing the risk of postpartum depression. However, we must keep in mind that the study involved only 214 volunteers. It is therefore a very small sample which cannot reach any definitive conclusion.

Another study conducted in 2016 indicated that there may be a link between pain during childbirth and depression. Although comprising only about 200 volunteers, the research concluded that  “epidural anesthesia can be an important predictor of the development of symptoms of postpartum depression”.

link between epidural and postpartum depression

The findings, however, do not conclusively indicate that there is a direct relationship between epidurals and depression. In reality, they only explain that,  together with other factors, it might help prevent it It is also not only the epidural that would prevent it but the fact of reducing pain during childbirth.

Another study published in 2018 finally shows  that there appears to be no link between the use of anesthesia SRP idurale and depression.  She says, however, that it can limit postpartum sadness.

It therefore does not seem possible to establish a direct link between epidural anesthesia and the onset or not of subsequent depression. What is possible, however, is to link this depression to the pain experienced during childbirth.

Reducing Pain May Reduce Risk of Postpartum Depression

Based on the above, it is  the reduction in pain during childbirth that appears to be associated with a lower risk of postpartum depression. This is the reason why any method that decreases it may be related to reducing the risk of suffering from this depression.

However, we must keep in mind  that there are many other related factors. In fact, it seems that some women are more likely than others to experience postpartum depression:

  • If she has suffered from postpartum depression before
  • If there is a history of depression
  • In the event of a stressful situation after childbirth (death of a loved one, loss of work, etc.)
  • Due to medical complications (premature birth, for example).
  • For lack of emotional support
  • In case of drug and alcohol abuse
  • Due to feelings regained after childbirth


link between epidural and postpartum depression

Finally, he  n ‘ is not enough studies to establish a direct relationship  between the use of epidural anesthesia and postpartum depression. In fact, many other factors may or may not influence its occurrence.

There is, however, a relationship between pain experienced during childbirth and subsequent depression. It will be a question, however, that by a factor of more likely the trigger. Epidural anesthesia and other pain relief methods can therefore help reduce the risk, not prevent it.

As Dr Lim, director of obstetric anesthesiology at the Magee Hospital for Women at the University of Pittsburgh, explains:

The researcher goes on to say that “  postpartum depression can result from several factors, including hormonal changes, psychological adjustments in maternity, social support and a history of psychiatric disorders”.

We must therefore keep in mind that it is important in the case of postpartum depression to deal with it. In this sense,  doctors and specialists will be able to guide the mother so that she can overcome the problem.  Thus, his psychological state will improve, as will that of the baby and the whole family.


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