Do You Know The Facial Massage With A Spoon? Discover Its Incredible Effects!

If perseverance is fundamental to obtain good results, these will depend greatly on the type of skin and some will see the changes before others.

Most women find the best way to delay the onset of signs of aging. Massage can be a solution.

Although this is a biological process that all human beings must go through, many desire to avoid it and stay young longer.

Much to everyone’s relief, it has been proven that there are habits and treatments that help maintain skin elasticity and increase the production of the substances that make it up.

Protecting yourself from the sun, eating a diet rich in antioxidants, and following a beauty routine are some of the factors that can help maintain healthy skin.

In addition, we can also consider some products and facial techniques whose goal is to maintain firmness and youth.

The sooner you start to put all of these measures in place, the more likely you are to prevent wrinkles, spots and blemishes.

As we know that there are many who cannot access professional procedures, we are going to share with you a method of rejuvenation that is economical and easy to perform.

It is thus the facial massage called “spoon massage” which focuses on the treatment of certain parts of the face to prevent the appearance of signs of aging prematurely.

This practice, recommended by German makeup artist René Koch, is already part of the beauty gestures of thousands of women all over the world. Discover this technique!

What are the benefits of spoon massage?

Spoon massage is a natural therapy to firm the skin and restore radiance.

Its main advantage is that it can be done at home and does not require any investment.

Here are the benefits you can get by doing this massage:

  • Elimination of liquids retained in the tissues.
  • Reduction of dark circles and bags under the eyes. 
  • Elimination of toxins.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Greater elasticity and firmness of the face.
  • Prevention and reduction of wrinkles and expression lines.
  • Restoration of the facial contour.
  • Decreased inflammation.

How to perform the spoon massage?

spoon massage

Spoon massage is a very simple technique to perform and it usually takes no more than ten minutes a day.

You need to :

  • 2 spoons
  • Alcohol (as needed)
  • 1 glass of cold water (200 ml)
  • Ice cubes
  • 1 bowl of olive oil (224 g)


  • First soak the spoons in a little alcohol so that they disinfect and then place them in a glass with water and a few ice cubes.
  • Then let them soak for a few minutes and during this time remove makeup from your face, making sure not to leave any traces of cosmetics.
  • Then, when the spoons are cold, then place them on the upper eyelids and hold them there for about 15 seconds.
  • Finally put the spoons back to cool and repeat the operation 5 times.
  • Then repeat the same operation with the lower eyelids to avoid inflammation of the eyes and reduce dark circles.

Once this first step is completed, place the spoons in a bowl with hot olive oil, at a temperature bearable for the skin.

Leave them for a few seconds then start the massage on all the main lines of the face:

  • On the upper part of the nose, towards the temples and the hairline.
  • A circular motion on the eyelids going from the inner corner to the outside.
  • On the cheeks, the bridge of the nose and the sides of the nose.
  • From the chin to the upper part of the face.
  • From the base of the neck to the chin.


a woman with dark circles

Each of the movements with the spoon should be performed between 5 and 10 times per row.

The spoon must therefore always be covered with oil for the massage to take effect.

At the end of the treatment, then wait 5 minutes and rinse the skin thoroughly with lukewarm water.

The idea is to perform the massage between 1 and 2 minutes for each of the areas mentioned. However, at the beginning you can do it less time and increase later.

Massage can be done at any time of the day, every day. However, for best results, it is advisable to do this a little before going to sleep.

It is important to keep in mind that the benefits vary from skin to skin, depending on age and other daily habits.

This is why it is possible that some people will see results within a few days, while others will have to wait a little longer.

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