Do You Know About Sugaring, Sugar Hair Removal?

Sugaring, or sugar wax, is great for removing short down. This technique is less painful than conventional waxing, and lasts just as long.

Wax, depilatory creams, mechanical razor, electric razor … Did you know that there is a natural and inexpensive hair removal method? You will only need sugar and lemon, so it’s a very easy process to implement at home: sugaring.

We explain how you should prepare and use this natural technique called sugaring, and what are its advantages over other hair removal methods!

What does sugaring consist of?

Sugaring is a hair removal system that was already used in Ancient Egypt and other eastern countries, and for which you will only need sugar and lemon!

This hair removal system is similar to waxing, but has even more advantages, as we will explain to you in this article.

This paste can be found in some countries already ready to use, but it is so easy to prepare that you can make it yourself.

You will quickly learn how to prepare it and you will swear by this method of hair removal!

Sugar and lemon to make a sugaring

What do you need?

The only ingredients you need are:

  • 2 cups of sugar
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A little water (in case the lemon juice is not enough)

How should we prepare it?

  1. Pour the lemon juice and two cups of sugar into a saucepan. The lemon juice should cover the sugar, otherwise add a little water for this purpose.
  2. Heat these ingredients over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. If you have a kitchen thermometer, check that this mixture reaches a temperature of 115 ºC.
  3. When the mixture begins to boil, lower the heat and reduce it until it thickens and becomes sticky, but still runny, and golden like honey. If its color is too dark, it is a sign that it has burned and that it is necessary to prepare another one. Do not let it boil for more than a minute!
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.
  5. Your sugar wax is ready!


How should we apply it?

If you want, you can exfoliate the skin before depilation. However, we do not recommend doing this if you have particularly sensitive skin.

On the other hand, and to allow the sugar wax to peel off afterwards, you can put a little talcum powder on the area to be depilated.

  • Wash and dry the area you are going to depilate well so that the sugar wax can adhere to the skin.
  • Wash your hands well and, if necessary, lubricate them with a little oil. Then take a little wax and apply it against the direction of the hairs. For example, if you are waxing your legs, and the hair grows from top to bottom, you will apply wax from the bottom up.
  • If you feel the wax is too thick, warm it up a bit.
  • Spread the wax carefully in a thin strip and immediately remove it by pulling in the opposite direction, that is to say in the direction of the hair implantation (for the legs, from top to bottom).
  • Use the other hand to stretch the skin and make it easier for you.
  • Then reuse the same paste which should come off easily, apply it to another spot and follow the same process.
  • Finally, apply a little moisturizer or aloe vera gel to calm the skin irritation. If there is any wax residue on your skin, wash it off with lukewarm water.

The advantages of this hair removal method

  • It is economical since all you need is sugar and lemon!
  • Its effect is as prolonged as that of waxing.
  • Less painful than waxing.
  • Effective even when the hairs are very short.
  • It is used lukewarm.
  • At the same time eliminates dead skin cells and regenerates it.
  • Does not contain any artificial substance.
  • It can be used on all parts of the body.

Our recommendations for sugar hair removal

  • If you are using this method for the first time, try it on a small, insensitive area of ​​your skin first.
  • Sugar wax should be used lukewarm, never hot!

Photographs courtesy of digipam, devillibrarian and judy.

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