Discover The Law Of The Mirror To Feel Happy

It may not be others that disappoint us, but our own expectations. We must learn to put ourselves in the other’s shoes.

The law of the mirror makes us understand that what we see in others is actually a reflection of what we have inside and that, therefore, if we want to be happy, our happiness does not depend on others or on others. ourselves.

Applying the law of the mirror means learning to manage the problems that we have with others (parents, friends, colleagues, etc.) by means of exercises that we perform individually.

The things that bother us

There are things that inevitably bother us.

Our sister-in-law who always has the same lines at family meals, which our parents absolutely want to control our life. May our children not be sincere with us, may our work not be recognized, may our brothers be selfish. That our friends do not support us as we would have hoped.

We always wait for others to act in this or that way and yet we are almost always disappointed. However, are we aware that we may be disappointing them on other points as well?

As a first exercise, we suggest that you make a list of all the things that bother you in the people around you.

The law of the mirror in application.

Attitudes on our part that may upset others

But now let’s reverse the process and find another list on which to write our attitudes that may or may have bothered these people at one time or another.

To make this list, we need to be sincere and self-critical. We are not perfect, we too are human and we know very well that we have often made mistakes.

This is why it is important to learn to feel empathy, in other words, to put yourself in the other’s shoes.

What the law of the mirror teaches us

The law of the mirror teaches us that in reality, when our feelings are negative towards someone, it comes from deep inside us and not from the other.

If his words hurt us, it is because we can hurt others as well, that person or someone else for that matter. As soon as we understand this, and especially as soon as we avoid doing it, then we will no longer feel the offense.

It is curious to note that we do not all react in the same way to the same situations. Because we all have different feelings deep in our hearts.

A practical mirror exercise

Take, for example, one of those people who you can’t stand since she hurt, offended, or angry you, and list all the things you are grateful for.

It is sometimes difficult to take this step, it may even displease you and you will have to put a lot of effort to get there, but you will find that it is worth it.

Because this person has certainly done something for you or for one of your relatives, they have probably been kind to you or have been able to help you in certain circumstances, etc. Take all your time to remember it.

Now an even more difficult process; List the reasons you would like to ask for forgiveness, even if they are insignificant. A threatening look, bad words, a cruel word, an inappropriate criticism or a lack of politeness.

If you get to this point you will have shown a great deal of humility, but only the bravest people will be able to take the third and final step.

Get in touch with that person (personally, by mail or by phone), thank them for all the things you wrote down on your first list, and then beg their forgiveness for all the things that are written on your second list.

The mirror exercise.

The result

To recommend this exercise may seem foolish because most people are far too proud to practice it, or think that it is they, on the contrary, who should be thanked and forgiven by others.

But the result is often surprising, and those people who absolutely do not expect such a message usually react positively and emotionally.

When, how, to whom…?

You can do this exercise as often as you like and by talking to whoever you want.

It is a practical exercise which always gives good results. So simple, and at the same time difficult, but worth it, especially if it is about people who are particularly dear to you, or painful situations that you want to overcome.

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