Diet For People With Cancer

Thinking about the diet of cancer patients means focusing on fruits and vegetables, boosting the intake of antioxidants. Some scientific research supports this idea and we are going to tell you about it in this article.

Cancer is a complex disease that depends on genetic and environmental components. Diet can have an influence on the risk of developing this pathology. It also presupposes support for chemotherapy treatment.

When thinking about a special diet for people with cancer, there are a number of guidelines that need to be taken into account. We must restrict those foods that are involved in tumor promotion.

At the same time,  it is necessary to increase the consumption of products with an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nature. This series of ingredients enhances the effects of chemotherapy and reduces the side effects of the latter.

Eliminate the ingestion of processed products

The consumption of processed products, rich in additives, simple sugars and trans fats, is linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. This is indicated in an article published in the  British Medical Journal .

This class of substances increases the number of mutations at the cellular level. It also supposes an energetic substrate for the own tumor, promoting its growth. This is why it is essential to restrict processed products in patients who have developed the disease.

If, in healthy individuals, the interruption of this ingestion has a preventive character, in oncological patients, it can increase life expectancy.

If you have cancer, it's best to avoid consuming processed foods.

For more information: Diet for women with breast cancer

The cancer diet should contain antioxidant foods

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize the formation of free radicals. They fight oxidative stress and reduce the risk of mutations in DNA  that can trigger cancerous processes. Their usual consumption is linked to protection against the development of this type of pathologies.

In patients who already have this disease, it is necessary to increase the ingestion of these products in order to slow down tumor growth. Certain phytonutrients, such as lycopene found in tomatoes, may help slow tumor growth, an article published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer claims .

To increase the intake of antioxidants in the diet, it is essential to eat more fruits and vegetables. Emphasis should also be placed on ingesting red-colored vegetables and crucifers.

Exotic fruits, on the other hand, are characterized by a high content of vitamins and phytonutrients  that can meet the goal of combating the products of cellular oxidation. Variety is essential for nutrition.

Supplements in the diet for cancer

There are also certain substances which, when taken in the form of supplements, help people with cancer. One of them is melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating circadian sleep cycles and with strong antioxidant power.

The effects of this supplement have been proven in the scientific literature. They can be found in an article published in the journal  Oncotarget.

However, these benefits are found at doses higher than those used today at the clinical level. Studies linking melatonin to the prevention or treatment of cancer use doses greater than 10 milligrams daily.

In addition, this hormone manages to reduce the side effects associated with pharmacological treatment. The quality of sleep is therefore improved and stress levels are reduced. Markers associated with metabolic health are also improving.

It is essential to take care of your diet when you have cancer.


It is necessary to optimize the diet for people with cancer

Cancer is a multifactorial disease that is directly linked to certain environmental components. It is therefore necessary to optimize the diet to prevent the development of the pathology and help treat it.

A good supply of nutrients is able to help slow tumor growth and enhance the effects of pharmacological treatment. To perceive these benefits, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins and phytonutrients with immense antioxidant capacity.

It is also fundamental to restrict all foods which produce inflammation  and which have the capacity to increase mutagenicity. Typical examples are processed foods. This class of substances is negative for medium and long term health. It is also linked to the development of complex diseases.


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