Delicious Recipe For Labneh Or Cream Cheese From Homemade Yogurt

This homemade alternative to cream cheese comes from the countries of the Middle East. Perfect for spreading and accompanying sweet or savory dishes.

Is it possible to find  a healthy, light and tasty creamy cheese? There are several possibilities and, among them, we find the recipe for labneh, a cheese prepared from yogurt, very easy to make at home and which will be a real hit on the table.

If you want to learn how to do it step by step, read on! You will get a perfect, healthy spreadable cheese that you can season as you wish to vary the flavors.

Labneh recipe: Mediterranean cheese spread

Labneh cheese.

This creamy cheese is part of the  traditional dishes of some countries such as Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon or Greece. Although you can buy it ready-made in some markets, it is customary to prepare it yourself at home.

This is a simple recipe for several reasons. Two ingredients are enough: yogurt and salt. Besides, you only need a few cooking utensils and there is no need for cooking, just a little time and patience to achieve a fantastic result.

Thanks to its consistency and neutral flavor,  yoghurt cheese is very versatile when serving it. Like hummus, it is perfect for dipping bread, toast or vegetable sticks. It’s also a creamy seasoning for a sandwich or salad.

In addition, thanks to its very easy preparation and versatility in the kitchen, it will surely turn into a habit in your family recipes!

Recipe for labneh or fromage frais from yogurt

As happens with all recipes, the amounts may vary depending on how many people are going to eat and how much is needed for the presentation chosen.

Ingredients and utensils needed

  • 500 grams of plain yogurt.
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
  • To serve: unlimited extra virgin olive oil, spices or fresh herbs.
  • Cotton, gauze or similar fabric, wide and thick (otherwise the yogurt will pass through).
  • 1 large bowl.
  • 1 large colander.

How to make the homemade labneh  recipe 

  • The first step is to stretch the cotton fabric over the colander. It is preferable that the latter is also fine mesh. Place on top of the bowl so that there is enough space in between to drain the yogurt.
  • Pour the yogurt into a container, add the salt  and mix with chopsticks.
  • Fold carefully into the fabric. Tighten well and tie with a cord or pliers. Put in the fridge.
  • If you want to obtain a spreadable cream,  8 or 10 hours of drainage is sufficient. Remove from the gauze and season with olive oil and fresh spices or herbs, as you wish. If you are not going to consume it immediately, put it in an airtight container.
  • It is also possible to obtain a more dense texture; in this case, it is necessary to drain between 24 and 36 hours. Pulling it out of the fabric and using spoons, prepare cheese balls. Place in a crystal jar with sweet olive oil and other condiments if more flavor is desired.

Some versions of the recipe use a little whole milk. This must boil and be mixed with the yogurt. Although it’s a little more fun way to prepare it, the result is just as creamy and delicious.

How can we eat it?

Yogurt cheese.

There are many ways to enjoy this yogurt cheese, whether in sweet or savory dishes. It is very common in  mezze  or classic aperitifs in Mediterranean countries of the Middle East. In addition, it is even part of a typical lunch made with olives, tomato and cucumber.

The most common way to use it is as a cream spread, like hummus or baba ganousch on pita bread, toast, or with vegetables cut into sticks.

It is also suitable for preparing sauces and salad dressings. In either case, it can be good to season it with other ingredients, whether they are fresh herbs, spices or crushed dried fruits. With cumin or  zaatar , we find the original flavor of the popular cuisine of its countries of origin.

In addition,  some people use it to prepare cakes and cheese pies. For desserts or a sweet snack, it goes well with fruit, compotes, dried fruits or a little honey.

In contrast, seasoned labneh  balls  can be cut up and added to salads, served as an appetizer breaded in sesame seeds, or added to pasta.

Other things to consider when preparing this recipe

To obtain an optimal result, it is essential to start with a quality yogurt. Indeed, the raw material is a key point of the success of a dish. In this case, it must be a product that contains whole milk and lactic acid bacteria without any other added ingredients.

In countries where labneh is traditional, it is prepared with sheep or cow  yogurt, although goat yogurt is also a good option. Cow’s milk gives it a smoother, more neutral flavor. It is necessary to avoid fermented milks and protein yogurts with extra fat or 0% sugars.

On the other hand,  you can also choose skimmed milk as well as whole milk. In the first case, the result is lighter, not as creamy and maybe a bit bland. Greek yogurt is also suitable (no added sugars) or homemade yogurt.

Labneh can be stored in the fridge. In its creamiest version, it can be stored for a maximum of 3 or 4 days in an airtight container. If it is steeped in olive oil, it lasts a little longer and can be consumed for up to a month afterwards.

To taste it, it is advisable to take it out of the fridge about 15 minutes before  to lower the temperature a little and better feel all its flavor.

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