Cracked Heels: Exfoliation And Foot Mask

We pay more attention in the summer, but cracked heels should be treated and hydrated all year round to avoid the more serious consequences.

The root cause of cracked heels is often a lack of hydration in the feet. The problem is, we usually don’t pay much attention to this part of the body. We wash our feet in the shower, but we don’t think about applying moisturizer after the shower.

When the skin of the feet is too dry, cracks appear, which cause a feeling of discomfort, especially in the heels. In these cases, it is advisable to seek a solution quickly in order to prevent the inconvenience from getting worse.

In the rest of this article, learn how to easily fix this problem at home.

Causes of cracked heels

Lack of daily hydration is not the only cause for the appearance of cracks: wearing unsuitable shoes or poor posture when walking are other possible causes. However, lack of hydration is the most common cause (and also the easiest to treat on your own).

Cracked heel

Dry skin

Dry skin and xerosis promotes the appearance of cracks in the feet, because dry skin lacks hydration and elasticity.

You should know that some people have very dry skin due to health problems, such as a thyroid disorder .

Unsuitable shoes

Unsuitable shoes can also damage the heels, which makes it easier to crack, especially when wearing poor quality summer shoes. In addition to being made with very hard materials, these shoes prevent proper perspiration, hence the appearance of blisters.

Bad posture

If we tend to press hard on the heels when we are walking or standing, the heels will have to bear a greater load and will crack more easily.

This is especially the case if a large part of our weight ends up on the heels instead of being distributed over the entire soles of the feet. This causes pain in the back.

A care program

This program should be applied all year round : if the heels are already very dry, it will be much less effective.

In addition, we must take into account the factors we have mentioned previously: choosing suitable shoes and doing exercises to correct your posture help to keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Finally, it is recommended to perform a few plantar reflexology sessions regularly. It is also important to get used to walking barefoot on sandy and grassy floors, which is great for your overall health.

Home treatment for cracked heels

Foot care


  • 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt (30 g)
  • 1 very ripe banana or 1/2 avocado, mashed well with a fork.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive, almond or coconut oil (42 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients well until you obtain a dough that is neither too liquid nor too thick. If it is too solid, add a little water to it.
  • Put the feet in hot enough water (at a bearable temperature, not boiling) for at least five minutes.
  • Using a pumice stone, carefully remove the dead cells from the soles of the feet. Rub gently.
  • Dry your feet and apply the remedy over their entire surface, especially on the soles.
  • After ten minutes, dry your feet again with a towel and massage gently.
  • Repeat the operation every five days.

Take care of your feet and you will avoid crevices

It is important to regularly moisturize the feet with a good cream (or a little petroleum jelly) so that the skin remains hydrated, elastic and in good condition.

You can use a moisturizing lotion specially designed for the feet or a very nutritious vegetable oil, such as olive, sesame, almond, argan oil or shea butter.

You can do this at any time of the day, but popular belief is that you do this before bed. Leave the feet in the open air for a few minutes so that they absorb the product well, then put on dry and clean socks for a better result.

Also consider exfoliating the skin to keep it soft and well-groomed.

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