Carrot, Orange And Parsley Juice For Weight Loss

If it is rich in vitamins, you should in no case replace your main meals with this juice, which only plays a role the role of a dietary supplement, not a mainstay of your daily diet.

Natural juices have become more and more popular in recent years, as they are great allies for healthy weight loss without going hungry.

These juices are characterized by a very low calorie intake, and a supply of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients essential for weight loss.

In this article, we are going to share with you the recipe for a delicious juice made from orange, carrot and parsley, which will help you lose weight quickly.

The combination of these three ingredients will give birth to a very purifying drink, which will help you maintain good health, while shedding extra pounds.

How can this juice help you lose weight?

Carrot and orange provide our body with significant amounts of antioxidants, which help to eliminate waste and toxins that contribute to the accumulation of fat in our body.

To understand the virtues of this juice for slimming, it is important to know the properties of these two ingredients.

The benefits of carrots

This food has become the mainstay of many slimming diets because it is a source of natural fiber,  which contributes to excellent digestion by eliminating waste that the body no longer needs.

In addition, the carrot is very satiating, which makes it possible to avoid consuming it in excess.

It has a strong purifying power, because it activates digestive enzymes that improve the ability to eliminate toxins and release the body of substances that it no longer needs.

Carrot is therefore an excellent diuretic that stimulates kidney function to fight excess fluids and facilitate their elimination through urine. 

It is rich in vitamins and minerals, low in fat and calories, and it is a real source of water.

Since the carrot is a thermogenic food, it also helps improve the body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight quickly.

In addition, it has a low glycemic index, and a high content of beta-carotenes, vitamin A and potassium.  

The benefits of orange for weight loss

Orange juice

This delicious fruit is best known for being one of the greatest sources of vitamin C around.

Orange helps strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases.

In addition, orange contains important antioxidants that contribute to cell regeneration, cardiovascular health and also the good condition of the skin.

It is also important to specify that orange is very useful as part of a slimming diet, thanks to its ability to improve digestion, to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body. Finally, it helps to contribute to the proper functioning of the liver.

This is because this fruit contains acids, antioxidants and fiber, which help promote the functioning of the metabolism, as they increase the elimination of calories and the body’s ability to lose weight.

How to prepare carrot, orange and parsley juice?

You now know all the benefits of this juice for slimming.

We now invite you to follow the different stages of its preparation to be able to take full advantage of all its properties.


lemon and carrot smoothie

  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • A handful of parsley


  • Step 1.  Cut the parsley leaves.
  • Step 2. Cut the carrots into pieces.
  • Step 3. Cut the oranges in half.
  • Step 4. Extract the juice.
  • Step 5.  Put the pieces of carrot and parsley in the blender.
  • Step 6. Add a glass of water and the orange juice.
  • Step 7. Mix for a few minutes, so that all the ingredients are well incorporated.
  • Step 8. Serve and drink quickly, adding a few ice cubes.

Some recommendations

This juice works as a support for weight loss, but it is by no means a miracle product that will make you lose several pounds overnight.

So, incorporate it into your daily diet, to boost your metabolism and also help in the elimination of unnecessary calories.

The ideal is to drink this juice on an empty stomach, to multiply its effects on the body.

Never replace your main meals with this juice.  Remember, this is just a supplement, not a miracle product.

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