Benefits Of Morning Coffee Or Afternoon Tea For The Liver

Did you know that, far from being harmful to health, caffeine can help us fight various ailments? Read this article to learn more about its benefits while drinking your cup of tea or coffee.

It is a real pleasure to enjoy the first coffee of the morning. It gives the necessary momentum to face the day and the stress. What a pity that these habits are bad for your health! In fact, we will instead tell you about the benefits of morning coffee for the liver.

It is the same in the afternoon with the good hot tea that perks up after so much work. A lot of people think the opposite is happening before doing some research.

Finally good news for those who can not do without their tea or their coffee! And if you doubt it, read this article. Because we are going to explain to you how morning coffee or afternoon tea can be good for your liver!

Caffeine: the myth and the reality

It is no secret that in recent decades, the consumption of coffee and tea and their consequences on health has been a subject of controversy.

Because these two products contain a high concentration of caffeine. It is an alkaloid from the xanthine group which has stimulating effects on the nervous system and on the heart.

You can also find caffeine in:

  • Mate,
  • Guarana seeds,
  • Cocoa ,
  • Kola nut,
  • Energy drinks
  • And in many commonly used drugs.

Is it good or bad to have coffee or tea?

Almost everyone knows that coffee is a drink with stimulating properties. In addition to its powerful vasodilator action, it helps us stay awake and resist fatigue. But what is true and false about all of these statements?

The good news is that consuming caffeine in adequate doses has been scientifically proven to be helpful in treating certain conditions such as headaches, bronchial asthma and gallstones.

But don’t get too excited. Because despite the benefits of coffee, excessive consumption of caffeine can also harm our health. It can be addictive and produce headaches, arrhythmias, insomnia or anxiety.

According to experts in the field, a healthy coffee intake is three or four cups of 240 milliliters per day, while we can afford up to five cups of tea or energy drinks per day.

Benefits of coffee;  Myth or reality

However, some people are more sensitive to caffeine and need to limit their intake or do without it altogether.

Like pregnant women for example, or like people who suffer from nervous diseases, gastric ulcers, cardiovascular problems, hypertension and migraines.

How can a morning cup of coffee be good for the liver?

An international team of researchers led by scientists from Duke University (USA) came to the following conclusion. The adequate consumption of tea and coffee helps to keep the liver healthy!

According to animal and cell culture experiments, caffeine stimulates the metabolism of the lipids stored in liver cells, which is of vital importance to avoid having an overly fatty liver.

What is also called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and which is associated with chronic inflammatory processes, cirrhosis, diabetes and even cancer!

In fact, the consumption of four cups of coffee a day, according to various studies, is linked to a moderation of obesity and a reduction in adipose tissue.

The researchers believe that advancement in this line of study could lead to the development of drugs whose action would be similar to that of caffeine, but without its side effects.

In fact, caffeine, so unloved, could be the solution to stay young, and full of energy and health! So, starting your day with coffee or tea is not only good for your liver, but also helps your body burn excess fat.

If your diet is also balanced, you will become a more vigorous and healthier person!

The other benefits and disadvantages of coffee and tea

Benefits of coffee and tea for the liver

Benefits of coffee and tea

Much research has been done, and continues to be, on the benefits of coffee and tea. For now, we know that they prevent us from having a fatty liver, but also that adequate doses of caffeine can:

  • Relieve certain types of headache, bronchial asthma and hepatic colic.
  • Avoid the formation of gallstones.
  • Prevent depression.
  • Improve short and medium term memory,
  • Reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Decrease the risk of developing diabetes.
  • Decrease the risk of developing breast, prostate, liver and endometrial cancer.
  • Protect the heart.
  • Speed ​​up the metabolism.
  • Have antioxidant effects.
  • Prevent gout.

Excessive caffeine consumption

How wonderful to know all the health benefits of coffee and tea, isn’t it? But don’t be overly reliant on it anyway, because excess in everything is a flaw, and drinking too much tea or too much coffee can cause serious health problems.

  • Migraines.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Anxiety, restlessness, trouble falling asleep, or insomnia.
  • Depression.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Tremors.
  • Frequent urination.
  • A decrease in bone density (calcium is poorly absorbed).
  • The appearance or growth of cysts on the breasts.
  • Loss of appetite (which can be severe in children).

Now we also know the consequences of overeating tea or coffee. Also we must be careful, and at the slightest allergic reaction manifested by redness, pruritus or stomach problems, we must immediately consult a doctor.

Hope this article has served to allay your doubts about the benefits of coffee.

But the next time someone criticizes your morning coffee, you can safely say, “Well, I need this coffee to keep my liver healthy.” And you, how do you take care of yours? “.

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