Avoid Depigmentation And Hair Loss With Coconut Oil

Over time, various consequences impact the body. Hair loss is one of them, as is the appearance of gray hair.

In addition to nourishing the hair, the local application of coconut oil prevents depigmentation of the hair, fights infections and inflammation, prevents hair loss and stimulates growth.

The passage of years is accompanied by wrinkles and other types of no less important changes. One could even go so far as to say that there is a set of predestined things to appear as the body ages.

But the physical part of the body is not the only one to deteriorate with the passage of time. The mind is one of the most important areas of the human being and it can also suffer from the passage of time.

The experience obtained by the mind is accompanied by an infinity of lived experiences, which have also happened to cause stress and anxiety, symptoms associated with the appearance of gray hair.

Why does white hair appear?

Avoid depigmentation of hair with coconut oil

White hair is very unattractive for a lot of people. For this reason, they look for any way to avoid their occurrence.

However, depigmentation of hair does not only appear due to age or stress, as many claim. The reason is a little more complex than you think.

  • At first, white hair begins to show due to the loss of melanin. Indeed, it decreases as we get older.

However, this compound can also decline younger, or even before 20 years.

Melanin is lodged under the scalp in a kind of tubes called hair follicles, which can suffer from problems and thus promote the appearance of gray hair.

  • Secondly, medical science has established that hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound responsible for bleaching the hair, which directly affects the production of melanin (mentioned before).

The excess of the latter becomes known when the antioxidant enzymes are not sufficient to break it down into water and oxygen.

  • Also Read: How To Dye Premature White Hair With 5 Natural Remedies

Why is hair falling out?

depigmentation and hair loss


Hair loss in moderate amounts is normal and is due to the renovation of epithelial tissue. However, we are concerned when this said replacement no longer occurs.

This is when the areas of the scalp become more visible.

Hair falls out for various reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • Inadequate diet.
  • Poor self-protection.
  • Flu.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Stress.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Insane solutions

At the origin of the problems mentioned, a large number of people are looking for ways to solve them.

The disadvantage does not come from wanting to remedy hair loss and depigmentation of the hair, but from the way in which we manage to do it.

Faced with concern, this group falls into the clutches of the cosmetics industry. Therefore, they have become inclined to use excessively chemical products.

Maybe they deliver results, but they often cause side effects in the body as well.

Coconut oil

coconut oil to prevent depigmentation of the hair


It is important to put aside foolish solutions to the problem of hair loss and the appearance of depigmentation of the hair.

If we look at the natural alternatives that we have at hand to stop this problem we find more appropriate solutions that promote the health of the organism. This is the case with coconut oil.

It is one of the most generous with the body. The benefits that it presents are multiple. Coconut oil allows for example to:

  • Fight stress
  • Avoid the proliferation of bacteria and viruses
  • Encourage digestion
  • Take care of the skin
  • Regulate cholesterol

Speaking of its benefits, we should also note one of the most remarkable in connection with the main theme of the article.

Its application fights infections and inflammations of the epithelial tissue, which promotes the strengthening of the hair and prevents its fall.

On the other hand, it also prevents depigmentation of the hair. And thus, it is no longer necessary to resort to other types of alternatives such as coloring.


  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (45 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of sage essential oil (30 g)

Preparation and application

  • Mix the two oils and put them in a suitable container to heat them.
  • Heat over low heat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Once ready, let cool to room temperature.
  • Apply all over the scalp and cover it with a shower cap; leave on overnight.

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