Are Children Really The Reflection Of Parents?

Consistency between what we ask our children to do and what we do as parents is fundamental. They are our reflection and we are their mirror. Let’s be the best mirror they can see themselves in.

Your children are a sponge, meaning they absorb everything they see and hear. Therefore, it is very important that everything that happens in the home is beneficial for their education and behavior.

Being a parent is a challenge, because not only do you have to learn to share your time well, but you also have to be consistent with what you say and do, because your children, even if you don’t notice it, are still observing and imitating your behaviors. .

Yes, children want to be like their parents. Therefore, setting a good example is essential to educate them on good foundations, and respectable values ​​and principles. 

Subconsciously, your children imitate your gestures, your actions, the way you speak, and even your relationship with others. This goes along with the fact that they are emotionally connected with you.

If children are the reflection of parents, how can you be a good example?

Good communication is important between parents and children

1. Create a climate of trust and good communication at home

Communication is fundamental in a family. This creates a climate of trust that promotes values ​​and security at home, creating inseparable relationships between all members of the family.

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle

You already know that children are the reflection of parents. In other words, if you want your kids to lead healthy lives, start with you. If you want your kids to exercise and eat vegetables, for example show them how good it is to do this.

There is a saying that goes: “An example is worth a thousand words”. Apply this day to day. Don’t lecture them daily on why they should do this or that, do these things with them.

3. Don’t shout


 We know how difficult it is to fulfill this role. It is a challenge to maintain patience at all times. However, in times of stress or desperation, you should avoid yelling at your children or any family member.

If you do, the children will assume that this behavior is acceptable. And by the time they do, you won’t be able to reprimand them because they will tell you “you are doing it too”.

4. Promote the value of honesty

If you don’t want your kids to lie, you shouldn’t either. Don’t find excuses. If you promised them something, do it. This will not only promote the value of honesty in them, but also allow them to learn to be responsible and keep their word.

5. Do not resort to violence

Without a doubt, we pick up bad habits much faster than good ones. Do not use violence as a method of learning. If your kids are doing something wrong, talk to them and let them know that what they did was wrong. If you avoid beating, you will prevent your children from becoming aggressive people later on. This way, you teach them to deal with confrontations, without resorting to violence.

If you encourage communication as a method of problem solving, then you will be a tolerant being able to understand different points of view.

6. Respect others and give oneself to be respected

Don’t treat people around you badly, judge or label them. In this way, your children will learn the value of others, as well as how respect builds good relationships.

When your children react badly, don’t let it go  and remind them that this is no way to put it or behave with you. Educate them in the best possible way. The relationship they must establish over time must be based on trust and respect. Build it together.

You have to strive for your passion with your children.

7. Fight for what we want

Being a mom doesn’t mean putting your dreams and goals aside. We know the road is difficult, but not impossible. Strive every day to achieve what you want. Not only will this be rewarding for you as a woman, but you will also become an example of effort and dedication for your whole family.

8. Be happy

Surely there is no greater happiness for you than having your children by your side. In this way, show them that they make you very happy, hug them, love them and tell them how much you love them. Make the most of the time you have together and let them know how lucky you are to have them.

When you give love, you receive love. Your children will give you back all the hugs, kisses and caresses that you give them with all your love. Not only will you be happy, but you will be happy together, and that’s even better.

9. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes


Sometimes you will be wrong. However, that doesn’t mean you failed, as long as you correct your mistakes. Your children will see in you the courage to admit your mistakes, to improve and move forward, which they will also emulate.


Yes, children are a reflection of parents, so be the mirror where your children can see themselves and be proud of what they see.


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