All About The Diet Without Industrial Products

Although the results are attractive, it is essential to rely on the supervision of a doctor to avoid possible complications.

There are many people who want to lose weight. This is why new food programs are constantly emerging. We tell you more here about the regime that excludes industrial products.

This diet promises to lose between 20 and 30 pounds in 4 months. This is obviously a strict diet to be followed over a short period.

Roughly speaking, with this diet, it is a question of consuming only natural foods, that is to say foods that have not undergone any transformation process.

Fruits and vegetables are therefore allowed in small quantities. On the other hand, packaged foods are prohibited, whether natural or processed. All preparations which contain fat, salt and sweeteners are also excluded.

Discover all the characteristics of this restrictive diet here.

Diet without industrial products: the objective

diet without industrial products to lose weight

The goal of this diet is simply to avoid the consumption of processed products.

It’s no secret that most processed foods cause health problems (diabetes or high blood pressure) and damage several internal organs.

By reducing the consumption of these foods, the desired result is to reverse the negative effects of these products in the body.

However, keep in mind that some illnesses are irreversible. Some even require special lifelong care. This is why you should not do without medical follow-up.

Diet without industrial products: prohibited foods and authorized foods

the diet without industrial products is good for health

Prohibited foods

As you will understand, the list of foods excluded in this diet is long. Basically, it is about avoiding anything that does not come from nature and that cannot be consumed in its natural state.

But that’s not all, you should also avoid certain natural foods, such as fruits high in sugar. This is the case with bananas, melons, figs and pineapples, for example.

When it comes to  vegetables, eliminate cucumber, eggplant, cauliflower and carrot.

Needless to say, all flour products such as cookies, bread and pasta are also excluded. Ditto for alcohol, vinegar, salmon and cold cuts.

Authorized foods

As you have seen, the list of foods to ban is long, but that of authorized foods is just as long!

Regarding protein, you can eat red meat, fish and poultry cooked without fat  (steamed, baked or in broth).

You can also consume egg white, lactose-free skim milk and skim yogurt. These foods help reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent negative cholesterol levels.

Regarding vegetables, you can eat those with green stems and leaves (lettuce, celery, coriander…). This is the most varied and beneficial group due to its intake of plant fibers.

For fruits, you can eat fruits that are lowest in sugar. Take care not to overdo the fruit to avoid an increase in glucose levels.

Diet without industrial products: the phases

This diet has two phases.

Phase 1

During the first phase, the goal is to adapt to this new way of life.

This phase lasts four months. It is the most complicated and the strictest.

During this first step, you will have to get used to the new preparations. You may have food cravings if you don’t dose properly.

In addition, meal times are very strict and changes are not allowed. It is recommended to eat every 120 minutes in order to speed up metabolism and promote fat burning.

Phase 2

During this phase, it is a question of maintaining the results obtained thanks to the first phase.

In theory, this phase lasts four months, but some people choose to extend it.

Before making this decision, discuss it with your doctor. Do the necessary tests to determine if this is a good idea for your general health.

Now that you know everything about this diet without industrial products, it’s up to you to see with a specialist if this diet is right for you.

Normally there shouldn’t be a problem, but going to the doctor is never too much.


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