Advice From A 60-year-old Woman On How To Age Happily

Margaret Manning is  a woman who always believed that at the age of 60 she would do something rewarding that could help others as well.

She then decided to give up her job to start a famous program called “Sixty and me”, an association of women over 60.

In this article, every woman who wants to can testify about how her life has been, what she has achieved, what she has learned, etc.

For her part, Margaret Manning has another interesting idea, which is to help the youngest to stop  being afraid of wrinkles and the effects of old age.

According to her, it’s surprising that many people, especially women, think they are no longer young when they turn 30.

This is how she gives us a series of advice for all people who begin to suffer  from an existential crisis,  once they are in their thirties.

If this is your case, and you are between 30 and 50 years old, read this article and its informative advice that will make you think and grow.

Advice from a 60-year-old woman for the youngest

  • Never forget that you only have one life, so don’t waste it on being miserable or worrying about things that don’t matter.
  • Always look on the bright side, be positive.
  • Value the present, the “here and now”, because that’s the only thing that matters.
  • Live each day with extreme fullness, enjoy the little things of everyday life.
  • Realize that life can change in an instant. If you are living in the moment, it doesn’t matter if you are 30 or 60 years old, the important thing is to do things with passion and fulfillment.
  • Enjoy nature, and your free time, and put no chains on your life.
  • Look for a job that you really like. If that’s not possible, at least look for a hobby that makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
  • Always be yourself, not what others expect of you. In this way, you will age with greater dignity.
  • The passage of the years must be experienced in a positive way. Don’t obsess over hiding the expressions of old age, like those wrinkles around the eyes.

A woman gives us advice.

  • Be honest with yourself. Getting older is a slow process from which you learn a lot.
    It’s a worthwhile adventure and if you see it that way you will always be beautiful.
  • Keep the good memories of your life and don’t hang on to bad experiences as they will destroy you from within and they will be felt on your outer beauty.

Other tips

  • Virginia Woolf was right, but only halfway. A woman needs a “room of her own” to feel independent and fulfilled, but also a salary.
  • Leave aside and forget societal stereotypes about aging.
  • What’s the point of worrying about getting old? It is better to worry about boredom.
  • Keep in mind that time will pass whether you like it or not so start living every moment!
  • Be inspired by each day, travel, learn, cultivate yourself, read, live in a simple but rewarding way.
  • Don’t spend your money on shoes: men don’t look at your feet.

Advice for an aging woman.

  • Don’t clutter your life with people who don’t like you or who only bring you problems.
  • Always be yourself, shine, shine with happiness and enjoy every day of your life.
  • Wrinkles are like the card of your life, wear them with dignity.
  • Live with intensity and  enjoy love in every sense of the word.
  • Offer love to those around you, unconditionally, and learn to receive it as well.
  • Have children whenever you want: there is no key moment, no one can force you and neither do as society orders you. You rule your body and your mind.

Final tips

  • Develop your empathy.
  • Learn to forgive. Do not store hatreds and anger in your heart or you risk aging in the worst possible way.

Friends when you're a woman.

  • Build a good circle of close friendships.
  • Try not to go to bed loaded with problems and anger.
  • If you’ve built a bad relationship, get out of it ASAP.
  • Smile every day, take care of your skin and your diet.
  • Trust your hunches, and your instincts. 
  • Don’t obsess over being the perfect mom. Quite simply, love your children and support them unconditionally.
  • Always be a warrior, learn to be self-sufficient and develop your resources.
  • Don’t let fear dominate you.
  • Never let anyone tell you that you are too old to do certain things. It is a mistake !
  • Be grateful because there is always something to learn, even the most negative things.

If you do it with courage, simplicity, and fullness, the years will pass with greater integrity. And if you feel good on the inside, it will be noticed on the outside. You will continue to be a beautiful woman.

We’re sure many of these tips got you thinking. Remember to always have them in mind so that you can put them into practice.

You don’t have to be afraid of the passing of the years, just worry that you won’t have a truly happy life.

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