A Push-up Routine For All Levels

Here is an exercise routine to work not only the triceps, but also the abs and back.

Do you think push-ups (arm curls on the floor) are only practiced by those with several years of training? In fact, they can be done from the first day you go to the gym.

How do you do push-ups?

There are several ways to do push-ups, from which you can choose the one that works best for you. In all of the variations, there are a few things to consider that are common to them:

  • Lie face down on a mat, stretch out your arms and spread your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Stretch your legs and rest only the tips of your feet on the floor. If you are a beginner, you can put your knees down, leaving your calves and feet “in the air”.
  • Tighten your glutes and abdomen throughout the exercise.
  • Let the body descend until the chest is very close to the ground, but not touching it.
  • After pausing in the position, return to the starting position.

Push-ups are simple, functional exercises that will allow you to work many muscles (including your legs and glutes) simultaneously.

Beginner push-up routine

Don’t be embarrassed if in your first few days at the gym you can’t do 200 push-ups like some people. People who can do this have had to train a very long time to reach this level. At first, it’s best to go slowly and pay more attention to technique.

The arm curl routine we walk you through is easy and can come in handy in the early stages of training.

1. Pumps standing against a wall

Push-ups against the wall are a very easy and effective way to gain mastery of the technique and, at the same time, to exercise the muscles.

Stand in front of a wall and reach out to put your hands on it. Stand on your tiptoes and bend your elbows as you move your torso towards the wall. The body should be tilted slightly forward. Remember to always keep your back straight. Repeat 20 times.

2. Inclined pumps with support on a bench

This is the next step once you have mastered the push-ups on the wall. You need a bench, chair or coffee table. Rest your hands on the bench shoulder-width apart and extend your legs so that they are diagonal to the floor.

You have to stand on tiptoe. Bend your arms and move your torso forward until your chest almost touches the bench. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Perform 20 repetitions.

3. Knee-to-floor push-ups

woman doing push-ups

This is the first “approach” before practicing the standard push-ups. The difference is that the legs are not straight but bent and the point of contact with the ground is the knees (in addition to the hands).

Lie face down on the mattress, resting your palms shoulder-width apart. Cross your legs and lift your feet up to rest on your knees. Bend your elbows and push the torso forward. Keep your face as close to the mat as possible. Return to the starting position. Do 20 repetitions.

4. Standard pumps

Once the three previous exercises have been mastered, you can move on to the “original” version of the push-ups.

Note that you don’t need to do a lot of repetitions. Place the palms of your hands and toes on the floor. Bend your elbows and bring your torso and face as close to the floor as possible. After a few seconds in this position, return to the initial position (with the body still straight).

5. Push-ups with hand touch

From now on, you will be able to practice several variations of push-ups so as not to get bored. For example, when the torso is raised and the arms extended, touch the right hand with the left hand. Get back into position and do another push-up. When you are at the top again, touch your left hand with your right hand, etc.

5. Push-ups with shoulder touchdown

Similar to the previous one, but in this variant, when the arms are extended. T ouch right shoulder with the left hand. Get back into position, then do a new push-up. And then touch the left shoulder with your right hand.

7. Pumps with torso rotation

pumps with torso rotation

This exercise is excellent for toning the lateral muscles of the abdomen. It also promotes coordination and balance.

Get into a push-up position with your arms straight. Lift your right arm off the floor and move it upward as if you want to touch the ceiling with your fingers. This movement will also rotate the torso. Return to position and do the same movement with the left arm.

You should maintain balance with your left hand and the sides of your feet. Remember to always squeeze your abdomen and buttocks.

8. Pumps with arm lift

It is also an exercise that helps you in coordination and balance. When you are outstretched, raise your right arm until your shoulder touches your ear (hand facing forward).

Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Then do another lift and, as you go up, move your left arm forward. Repeat 10 times on each side.

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