9 Tips To Keep Your Food Fresher Longer

Discover in this article 9 tips to keep your food fresher longer.

Learning how to properly store our fresh foods will allow us to prolong their conservation. This will prevent them from decomposing too quickly and we will avoid wasting fresh produce.

When we buy products from the market, we try to store them as well as possible so that they do not get damaged too quickly. While some keep very well despite the passing weeks, others tend to break down quickly when not handled properly.

The problem is, we don’t always take precautions when handling them, and in just a few days we realize that they are no longer fit for consumption.

That’s why it’s good to know some useful storage tips to keep them fresher for longer, and thus avoid wasting them.

Below we are going to reveal the top 9 tips to you so you can start applying them right now. Take note !

9 tips to keep your food fresher for longer

  1. Freeze the milk

Have you bought too much milk and haven’t consumed it yet? Don’t let it run!

If you do not want to prepare other recipes with milk, pour it into a clean container and freeze it following these rules:

  • Freeze only fresh milk.
  • If you want to keep it in its original container, take out a small amount, as it will increase in size with freezing.
  • Avoid storing it for more than 6 weeks.

2. Wrap the lettuce in paper

Lettuce leaves that tend to break down easily can keep longer when wrapped in foil.

For this we can take sheets of newspaper or the same type. This paper helps absorb moisture and prevents fungi and bacteria from growing.

3. Use cling film to store your bananas

banana-celophaneBananas are one of the fresh foods that spoil easily because they ripen quickly and their texture changes immediately.

If you want them to keep better for longer, take a piece of cling film. Then cover the part by which the diet is attached.

However, if it’s too late and they’re already overripe, peel them and freeze them to enjoy in your smoothies or cakes.

4. Store your sauces in airtight bags

To avoid throwing away the leftovers of the homemade sauces you prepare for your meals, buy a few resealable bags and store them in the freezer.

This technique will help you keep the food in good condition, so you can add it to your stews, soups, or whatever you like.

5. Place your spring onion in a glass of water

Scallions keep best when cleaned and stored in a glass or container with water.

Cut the leaves that you do not need, remove the remains of the earth and submerge them. You can keep them for up to two weeks.

6. Place the fresh herbs in a glass container

To keep fresh herbs longer, clean a glass container well, and make sure the inside is not damp.

  • Cut the herbs finely and place them in this container.
  • This way you won’t waste them and you won’t change their aroma or texture.

7. Preserve avocados with an onion

If the most recommended is to eat avocados when they are ripe, there is a simple trick that helps to preserve them when you do not want to consume them immediately.

For this, you just need to put the fruit in an airtight container and accompany it with an onion cut in half.

8. Store honey in glass containers.

Did you know that honey has no expiration date? As its components keep it fresh and free from microorganisms, honey is one of the foods that can be stored for years without losing its properties.

  • The problem arises when it is not stored properly (for example, by storing it in the refrigerator).
  • Low temperatures tend to crystallize it and then it is difficult to use it.
  • On the other hand, it is not recommended to use containers made of aluminum or other metals, as they could oxidize it and change its flavor.
  • It is best to put it in airtight glass containers and store it at room temperature.

9. Store your apples in the refrigerator


Apples are one of the fruits that can be stored for weeks without changing flavor, smell or texture. However, we can keep them for months if we put them in the refrigerator.

The important thing is to leave a little space between the apples (by inserting newspaper for example). Because, if for some reason, one of them breaks down, it could damage the others.

Do you want to prolong the freshness of your food? Take into account the tips mentioned above. Check for yourself that they are ideal for keeping them in good condition despite the passage of time.

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