Why Is It Important To Eat A Pear A Day?

In addition to its high fiber content, ideal for fighting constipation, pear is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can help us prevent cancer.

Being much healthier than a pear” : that’s an expression straight from Spain! Well know that this popular Hispanic refrain is good all the way. The pear is undoubtedly the fruit that has the most benefits. It is recommended to eat one pear per day.

The pear is really very healthy. It’s a treasure trove of refreshing properties, you really shouldn’t let it escape! Why not include it in your daily diet? You can be sure you won’t regret it!

Yellow, green pears… There are many varieties of pears, and they are all healthy! Pears are a source of water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and they’re great for everyone in the family. It really is an ideal ingredient for breakfast desserts and juices. We are therefore going to study in more depth its characteristics and the reasons for eating a pear per day.

A pear a day: the benefits

  • Pears have vitamins A, B, C and E. They also have folic acid, fiber, potassium, minerals, iodized sugars, iron and calcium.

It is therefore a perfect vitamin supplement to start the day. This is also why we recommend eating a pear a day for breakfast, it is even essential.

  • They are antibacterial. Thanks to its tannins and caffeic acid, pears protect us against various infections and diseases.
  • They fight free radicals. We already know: free radicals are very harmful elements that attack our cells, which is what causes aging. Pears are very rich in antioxidants. This is why they are more than perfect for keeping our youth!

In addition, its high vitamin C content is really fantastic, we are talking about almost 13%. Without also counting its quantity of vitamins K… The pear is really an ideal source for our health!

  • The pear protects our heart. Indeed, it regulates blood circulation and therefore prevents cerebral hemorrhages. Fiber is present in pears in very high amounts, which is what helps us eliminate bile salts while reducing bad cholesterol.

In fact, many studies have shown that eating a pear a day can reduce the risk of suffering from a brain hemorrhage by up to 50%.

Following the benefits

  • It prevents cancer. Its high amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and folic acid make it truly ideal for cell building. Indeed, the pear then becomes an excellent protector against different types of cancer. Moreover, pears are often the subject of studies.

According to these studies, pears can help expel carcinogenic chemicals that build up in the colon. It is also an excellent food for women suffering from menopause, since the pear reduces the risk of suffering from breast cancer. Yet another reason to eat a pear a day.

  • Pear relieves constipation. Its high fiber content and its detoxifying properties make it an excellent way to promote our intestines. This protects our intestinal flora, which will prevent us from suffering from constipation.
  • It regulates excessively heavy digestions. If you are used to suffering from difficult digestions, and you feel bloated, bloated, heavy, and with gas, do not hesitate! Eat pear, whether in juice or directly from the fruit. It contains pectin, which is very positive for avoiding the effects of too heavy digestion.

The pear juice recipe

one pear per day in the form of fruit juice

You can find pears all year round, everything will obviously depend on the type of pear. However, they are particularly good from June until February of the following year.

If you can buy them at a good price, we invite you to do so in order to consume one every day! Whether naturally, in a compote, in the oven, or in the form of juice for breakfast.

We are therefore going to give you the recipe for a simple but nutritious pear juice, very beneficial to start the day. This makes it easier to eat a pear a day.

  • Two pears
  • Half a glass of water
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A tiny bit of lemon juice

How to prepare it?

  • First of all, you have to wash the two pears well and then peel them.
  • Once they’re ready, cut them in half, then place them in the blender.
  • As soon as the juice is obtained, add the water so that it is not too thick and consistent.
  • Then add a few drops of lemon and the teaspoon of honey to sweeten everything.

You can also put an ice cube; your juice will then be as delicious as it is refreshing!

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