Natural Remedy For Hernias

Although we still need to see a specialist for a diagnosis, this topical natural remedy can help us alleviate the discomfort caused by hernias.

If we are looking for a remedy to help reduce hernias because we suffer from frequent pain, we can resort to the combination of these three medicinal ingredients.

Clay, cabbage, and vinegar are easy to find and have high anti-inflammatory power.

Discover in this article the virtues of this remedy, as well as how to prepare it and use it so that you can get relief immediately.

However, we should not rule out a visit to the doctor if the pain does not stop, as some could lead to a serious health problem.

When should you relieve a hernia?

inflammation and hernia

There are different types of hernias and different degrees of severity. There are people who do not even feel them, while others suffer from them with varying degrees of intensity.

The most common are the femoral, inguinal, hiatus, umbilical or incision. Although we should always go to the doctor, people who suffer from discomfort can use this natural remedy to reduce hernias.

If we noticed a lump somewhere in our body, we could have a hernia. Especially if you observe it after doing a forced movement or exercise.

One of the most common causes of hernias is stressful episodes. Until we can do the relevant tests, we can resort to this simple but effective remedy.

Natural and curative remedies

Below, we highlight the healing virtues of the three ingredients of this home and natural remedy.


clay and hernia

Clay is one of the oldest remedies in existence. This material has been applied for centuries on multiple conditions to calm and naturally reduce inflammation.

It is very beneficial because, while absorbing water and toxins, it supplies a large amount and variety of minerals through the pores of the skin.

  • Clay is used very simply. It should only be mixed with water or a little liquid and then applied to the skin.
  • Allow enough time to dry and then remove it with water. It should not be reused, as it absorbs toxins.

The vinegar

Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, is a food that regulates pH, activates circulation, and reduces inflammation.

For this reason, once applied to the skin, we promote recovery from the injury or discomfort we have.

Its nutritional values, including a large number of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, also make it a very beneficial food in our diet.

The cabbage


Cabbage is a vegetable that hides a large number of health properties. Among them, we highlight its anti-inflammatory and analgesic virtues, which help us to calm many ailments and inflammations, such as those caused by a hernia.

  • To benefit from its healing power, it is necessary to facilitate the extraction of its phytonutrients.
  • We can crush or blanch the leaves, or prepare a juice that we will apply through poultices.
  • If we combine it with its consumption, we will multiply its healing properties.

Preparation of the remedy for hernias


To prepare this remedy for reducing hernias, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 tablespoons of clay powder (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 2 or 3 cabbage leaves

The amounts will depend on the size of the area affected by the inflammation. We can vary the amounts of this remedy as long as we keep the proportions indicated in this recipe.

Development and application

We need to take the following steps to develop the remedy:

  • Mix the clay, vinegar and water. Use glass and ceramic utensils and containers, but not plastic or metal so as not to remove the properties of the clay.
  • You will get a creamy mass ready to be applied. If it’s too runny, add a little clay. If, on the contrary, it is too solid, add more water.
  • Before using the remedy, immerse the cabbage leaves for a few seconds in boiling water.
  • Apply this remedy all over the inflamed area. At the top, place the boiled cabbage leaves, being careful not to burn yourself.
  • Leave it on for half an hour or until the clay dries.
  • You can repeat the application two or three times a day, until you notice improvement.


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