The 7 Signs Of An Intoxicated Liver

Is your skin more sensitive than usual? Do you feel itchy and discomfort? Are you tired and feeling weaker than usual? It is possible that your liver is sick, and it is drawing your energy.

The liver is a vital organ of our body. It is one of the most important, and its functions range from the production of protein, the metabolism of glucose, iron and cholesterol to the essential task of detoxifying all foreign elements in our body. So we have to take care of it. Sometimes when something is not working well, it sends us signals by showing us different symptoms. Do you want to know the main signs of an intoxicated liver? We explain them to you here.

Symptoms of an intoxicated liver

After the brain, the liver is the most complex organ in our body. It should therefore never be neglected and always try to maintain it in good health. One of the secrets to taking care of the liver is good nutrition. But this is not the only help in the fight against an intoxicated liver, our lifestyle also influences our health.

An active and healthy life, where tobacco, sedentarism, alcohol and excessive consumption of drugs are banned, will allow us to fight against these liver poisonings.

1. Cramps and swelling of the stomach

Signs of the intoxicated liver.

Has this ever happened to you? You feel more swollen than usual, hands, ankles, feet, abdomen. First of all, do not be unnecessarily alarmed if you experience these symptoms. It is okay to feel them from time to time.

The problem is significant when these pains become recurrent. When you have gas every day, when your digestion is heavy and you have abdominal pain, you should be alarmed.

These effects are the hallmark of a liver that does not function well, that does not drain well enough, that does not detoxify or that accumulates toxins in our body. The risk of contracting ascites is then greater and it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if the symptoms become more and more frequent.

2. Change in odor in urine and stool

How to cure an intoxicated liver.

Is your urine whiter than usual? Do your stools also look pale, or do they contain blood? In order to be reassured, it is best to consult a doctor.

It is obvious that these symptoms may be due to other illnesses, but they are usually associated with kidney or liver problems. It should be added that urine, just as it appears lighter, can be darker due to a build-up of bilirubin.

3. Jaundice

Jaundice is a cause of intoxicated liver.

This is surely the most obvious symptom and the one that should warn us the most. The yellowish color of our skin, eyes or nails is due to the buildup of the bile pigment called bilirubin in our body.

This element is essential for good digestion, and when our liver is not functioning well, it is no longer able to eliminate it and filter out the elements that are no longer useful after digestion. These pigments therefore remain in the body and cause that famous yellow complexion, so common in people with liver disease.

4. Skin sensitivity

The intoxicated liver and skin.

You feel an itchy, awkward sensation, as if something is tickling you from the inside. A feeling as unpleasant as it is worrying? What is this due to? To the accumulation of toxins in our body.

The liver can no longer filter these elements and this causes a reaction on the skin. But if it is recurrent, consult a doctor before making any hasty conclusion, to have a serious diagnosis. Itching can be caused by multiple causes.

5. Gastric reflux

Reflux is a sign of an intoxicated liver.

A feeling of overflow in the stomach, gas that oppresses us and won’t let us breathe, and painful and annoying acid reflux that rises up our esophagus. This is often the mark of an intoxicated liver.

As we know, this organ is associated with the digestive process, and if there is a problem, it results in these kind of signs. In order to know if it is a liver problem or liver disease, it is better to consult a doctor.

6. Diarrhea

The indications of an intoxicated liver.

It is a very common symptom. What we eat affects us, the famous stomach acids appear, we feel pressure, discomfort and we often have diarrhea due to a malfunction of the digestive and purifying system.

It is imperative to take this into account. Of course, first of all we run the risk of suffering from dehydration. So, count how many times this happens to you: once, twice a week? Like other symptoms mentioned earlier, it may be due to other illnesses. But you have to think about this possibility.

7. General fatigue

Signs of an intoxicated liver.

It is very characteristic of this disease. And these symptoms are not only characterized by fatigue, but by discomfort, weakness and a continuous feeling of lethargy. This happens because the intoxicated liver is working harder than normal. Sick and intoxicated, he puts in more effort and that robs us of energy and strength.

It must therefore be taken into account. You should also observe if, in addition to this general fatigue, you experience any of these symptoms. Fluid retention, poor digestion, stomach pain, itching etc.

Remember that if you have any symptoms, it is best to see a doctor for a check-up. Your health is always the priority.

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