5 Symptoms Of Primary Bone Cancer You Should Know About

You may have heard of primary bone cancer before.

Usually, when it comes to cancer, the disease often gets to the bones after a while. This is called secondary or metastatic bone cancer.

When a tumor grows, it is common for it to affect part of the bone structure at some point.

However, according to medical statistics, over the past few years the diagnosis of primary bone cancer has increased dramatically. It is then a tumor which localizes directly in or on the bone.

You should know that the cure rate can be rather high, if the disease is diagnosed in its early stages of development.

It is therefore important to pay attention to prevention and information disseminated.

Although it is considered serious, a positive aspect of primary bone cancer is its easy detection, through very characteristic pain.

What is primary bone cancer?

Causes of bone cancer.

Primary bone cancer is not a common cancer, nor is it as well known as other types of cancer such as breast or colon cancer.

However, its incidence exists, although it is less, and its symptoms are often confused with those of other diseases. It is therefore important to be well informed.

This cancer affects our skeleton and the areas most affected are often the bony parts near the knee, the femur or the tibia.

There is no relationship with secondary cancer. That is to say that it is not a consequence of metastases caused by another primary tumor.

You should also know that there are three types of primary bone cancer:

  • Osteosarcoma : This is the most common form, which unfortunately affects adolescents in the process of development. Cancer appears in these new tissues that develop.
  • Chondrosarcoma : It develops in adults between the ages of 40 and 60, and always appears first in the cartilage.
  • Ewing’s Sarcoma : This type of primary bone cancer is characteristic of young children.
    Their nerve tissue is still immature, and cancer arises from the appearance of small sarcomas throughout the bone marrow.
    It should be added that this type of cancer is generally hereditary, it can therefore be anticipated and it is possible to obtain good results with treatments such as radiotherapy.

Symptoms of primary bone cancer

Symptoms of bone cancer.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the type of cancer that can affect us adults. We will therefore focus on Chondrosarcoma.

As we indicated to you previously, its symptoms can be confused with those of other diseases (arthritis, inflammations, osteoporosis…). It is therefore important to keep in mind the basic characteristics of the symptoms.

Very localized pain

  • There are days when our knees hurt more than usual. We put it down to fatigue, but it could be wear and tear that bothers us day after day and that we try to eliminate with anti-inflammatory drugs.
    The type of pain associated with primary bone cancer is a sharp, sharp pain.
  • As we have pointed out to you above, you must pay attention to these articulatory areas of the knee: the tibia and the femur, since in 70% of cases, chondrosarcoma develops in these areas.


  • In addition to the acute pain in this part of the body, there is a very special characteristic: the inability to withstand contact with clothing or touching this area.
    The pain is very intense, like a burning plaque, and it is difficult to relieve it, even with medication.

A characteristic inflammation

  • When a tumor appears in the bone, as it grows, it invades the tissues that surround the bone itself or the joint.
    There is then a characteristic lump that will alert us. It is not a simple inflammation. When you touch it, you will realize that its density is different from the swelling caused by arthritis.


  • Inflammation, the buildup of tissue produced by the tumor, usually produces a fever.
    As you can see the symptoms are very clear. We must see a positive element that will force us to go to our doctor quickly. And thus treat the disease in its early stages of development.
  • Be careful not to self-medicate. It is important not to mask the symptoms with pharmaceuticals. You also have to be aware of what’s going on.

Possible fractures

  • Fractures appear at a more advanced stage of the disease. When the tumor has weakened the bone and caused the appearance of cracks, or other larger lesions.
    Before arriving there, our body will have already shown several symptoms. Such as acute and localized pain, fatigue, inflammation and fever.
  • It is very important that you pay attention to all of these indicators. Since primary bone cancer is not common, it is all the more risky if it is mistaken for other health problems. And that we were not going to see a doctor at the first symptoms.
    So consult your doctor for your knee pain and always seek medical advice that can rule out any diagnosis of a major problem.

Detect bone cancer.

Remember that if it is treated in its early stages of development, this disease always has good healing results. Take care of yourself !

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