A Special Method To Re-energize The Body In 15 Minutes

By spending only 15 minutes a day massaging your fingers, you can get benefits on a more general level. It is important to focus on the fingers which represent the ailments of which we are complaining.

Traditional Japanese therapies have spread to many corners of the world as a solution to several types of ailments. Discover a method to re-energize the body in just 15 minutes.

While it is clear that for many illnesses professional medical treatment is required, some conditions are best relieved with this type of alternative treatment.

Generally, these techniques seek to find a physical and mental balance based on the existing interactions between these two aspects.

Their effects help reenergize the body. And to control several symptoms resulting from stress, anxiety and other negative emotions.

Among these methods is jin shin jytsu or “The Art of the Creator through Man”. Developed by the sage Jiro Murai in 1900, it aims to restore the balance between soul and body through the hands.

It is based on the fact that everything that exists contains vital energy which represents the force of life.

This energy circulates in the body at different levels and once harmony is found, it flows freely without hindrance in its path.

Reenergize the body: what does jin shin jytsu therapy consist of ?

Reenergize the body with a hand massage.

The jin shin jytsu suggests that the human body has three energy channels: 

  • A central channel, which circulates in an oval circle. It descends through the face, breastbone, abdominal area and pubis, then ascends through the spine to the head.
  • The other two channels are called supervisors and they originate in the inner part of the knees.
  • The left supervisor is responsible for controlling all functions on this side of the body. It is linked to the past, to logic and to genetics.
  • The law directs the functions on this side and it relates to the present, intuition and regeneration.
  • Finally, there are diagonal flows that harmonize the two supervisors in order to order the energy system.

The main objective of this method is to balance the physical and the emotional to achieve inner and universal peace.

How does this alternative therapy work?

Reenergize the body by massaging the hands.

Jin shin jytsu therapy focuses on channeling all the energies that are distributed throughout the length and width of the body .

This method is based on the fact that each point of the hand is linked to one or more organs of the body. Moreover, these are linked to emotions.

This means that through this technique, we can improve physical health and some psychological disorders.

How to apply this technique to reenergize the body?

As mentioned earlier, each part of the hand represents a particular organ. Thus, to implement this method, you must carefully wrap the finger associated with the area you want to relieve.

To do this, in the first place, you will need to cross your arms, with your hands under the armpits and your thumbs in front.

Once in this position, it is necessary to exhale from the base of the skull until descending into the body towards the thumbs.

This action is then repeated but feeling that the air goes down through the spine.

After this exercise, you should massage each finger for three minutes. In the morning the left hand and in the evening the right hand.

Before moving from finger to finger, we must be interested in the type of work that we are doing as well as the purpose of this work.

Reenergize the body with Japanese therapy.

Reenergize the body: the thumb

It represents the arms and the stomach. When both are in pain, emotions such as depression and anxiety arise.

Indeed, the symptoms that allow it to be identified are nervousness, abdominal pain and headaches.


It is linked to the kidneys and bladder, and to emotions such as confusion and fear. The signs by which it manifests itself are digestive disorders, back pain and toothache.


The middle finger, the middle finger is related to the liver and anger. It is also identified with migraine, vision problems and the feeling of fatigue.


The organs it represents are the colon and the lungs. On an emotional level, it is linked to pessimism and depression.

It can be identified with symptoms of indigestion, asthma and difficulty in the respiratory tract.

Little finger

On a physical level, it is linked to heart health and the small intestine. It also represents the attitude of pretending or pretending something that is not.

With this technique you will improve your concentration. You will also put the energies of your body in order to alleviate various pains.

It is enough to devote 15 minutes per day to this technique to obtain the benefits.

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