9 Tips To Lose Weight Without Feeling Hungry And Stay Healthy

To lose weight, we must not eliminate fat from our diet but choose them wisely and opt for those that we help fill us up and speed up the metabolism.

Losing weight should always be a goal based on health and common sense, not one of frustration and resentment. In this article, we share 9 simple and effective tips for healthy weight loss without going hungry. They allow you to feel good in your body, inside and out.

Lose weight without a miracle diet

The key to losing weight without going hungry and without sacrifices is learning to eat healthier.

We must therefore change the way our body works to improve digestion and increase the consumption of calories.

Fad diets offer very visible results in the short term. However, they can be harmful to health, affect the liver and kidneys, and expose us to chronic disease.

In addition, once the diet is over, the body often suffers from a boomerang effect. This can then cause a re-gain of weight, and even go up to a heavier weight than that before the diet.

So below, we will give you 9 tips to lose weight in a smart way.

Thus, we will not only lose pounds gradually and permanently. We will also feel full of energy, vitality and good humor.

1. Increase metabolism

The metabolism is the one that regulates, among other functions, the energy expenditure that we make. If we increase the metabolism, we manage to burn calories, and therefore lose weight more easily.

To achieve this, therefore, we should do moderate intensity exercise, drink water and consume foods that stimulate it:

  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Cinnamon
  • Green tea
  • Avocado
  • Coconut oil
  • Grapefruit
  • Garlic

2. Eat satiating foods

If you have a good appetite and one of your weak points is constant hunger, you should start by eating satiating foods that will fill you with less than others.

Also choose those that are rich in water and fiber:

  • The salads
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Vegetable pâtés
  • Dry vegetables
  • Dried fruits (neither fried nor salted)
  • Flax and chia seeds
  • Whole grains

3. Drink more water

If you increase your fiber intake, you should also increase your water intake. Thus, not only will we feel more satiety but we will also facilitate the digestion of fibers.

We often think we are hungry. And yet, when we drink a glass of water, we then realize that it was only a sensation of thirst.

To eliminate liquids, we do not use the same foods as for eliminating fat. In this case, the diuretic capacity is increased with foods such as:

  • The celery
  • Onion
  • The cucumber
  • Pineapple
  • The salad
  • The pear
  • The watermelon
  • Asparagus
  • Horsetail
  • Dandelion

5. Choosing the right fats

Low fat diets don’t work. On the contrary, it is better to eat a good amount of fat, but of good quality. 

Thus, we accelerate the metabolism and we feel less appetite.

Foods high in healthy fats include:

  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • The dried fruit
  • Seeds
  • The egg yolk
  • Ghee or clarified butter

6. Eat good quality protein

We also need to make sure we get a good daily intake of protein, as it speeds up metabolism, helps us turn fat into muscle, and shrinks waistline diameter.

Protein isn’t just found in meat. It is also necessary to consume sources of animal and vegetable proteins:

  • Fish
  • The egg
  • Dairy products
  • Dry vegetables
  • Dried fruits and seeds

7. Reduce carbohydrates

Today we eat too many unhealthy carbohydrates like bread, pastry, pizza, pasta etc. We must therefore reduce them and replace them with more nutritious ones:

  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Millet
  • Oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato
  • The banana
  • Squash

8. Chew well

Chewing every bite well also helps us improve digestion and nutrient assimilation, keep us full sooner, and eat less.

This good habit is essential especially for people who eat too fast for lack of time or for eating disorders.

We also need to eat outside of the work environment or places that cause us stress or nervousness, as well as away from distractions and conversations.

9. Enjoy the meal

Let’s also not forget to enjoy the meal. Viewing it with positivity and good spirits is much healthier.

If you are discouraged or depressed, you are more exposed to differences and you are more likely to eat things that you shouldn’t, rather than stick to the goals you set for yourself.

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