9 Surprising Foods To Fight Anemia

Anemia is a disorder caused by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, itself usually caused by a lack of iron, or by difficulties in absorbing this mineral. How to fight anemia with food?

It is one of the most common nutritional disorders in the world. Anemia mainly affects women and children.

It can cause more or less serious health problems, depending on the specific cause that generates it.

Beyond iron deficiency, anemia can be caused by a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12. By hereditary factors that affect blood cells, or by chronic diseases.

Experts in the matter believe that an appropriate diet is the key to preventing the occurrence of this pathology, but also to its treatment.

In the rest of this article, we are going to reveal to you the most surprising foods that can help you fight anemia, and win the battle against this disease.


This vegetable with multiple virtues is mainly characterized by its high content of iron, fiber, vitamins A, B9, C and E. As well as beta-carotenes and calcium.

Indeed, its exceptional properties make it one of our best allies to fight anemia.

It is therefore recommended to consume half a cup of spinach per day, to obtain about 20% of the recommended daily intake of iron.

All green vegetables are good for fighting this disease, such as broccoli, kale, lettuce or watercress, for example.

Foods of animal origin

Foods of animal origin are the best source of iron in our diet.  Indeed, they contain heme iron. This is 30% better absorbed by our body than that contained in foods of plant origin.

It is therefore recommended to eat red meat, liver, pâté, seafood and blue fish, among others, to combat anemia.

Oats to fight anemia

Oats to fight anemia.

Two tablespoons of oats can provide up to 4.5 mg of iron to our body. To fight against anemia, it is recommended to obtain fortified oatmeal.  Because it contains a supplement of B-complex vitamins.

The peanuts

Peanuts can also help us reach the recommended daily allowance of iron.

It is therefore advisable to consume a handful per day. Peanut butter is also excellent for fighting anemia because it concentrates the beneficial properties of peanuts.

Other dried fruits contain iron, such as prunes, raisins, dried apricots, almonds, figs and dates.


Eggs to fight anemia.

If you have anemia, you need to make sure eggs are on the menu in your diet. A single egg can provide up to 1 mg of iron.

If you consume them frequently, they will also provide you with many nutrients, for very few calories.

We advise you to accompany your eggs with a glass of orange juice. Indeed, the latter promotes the assimilation of iron by our body.

Wholemeal bread

Numerous studies tell us that a slice of wholemeal bread can provide us with up to 6% of our daily iron needs.

Consumption of other whole foods is also strongly recommended. Like pasta, rice or cereals, which contain many benefits to help us fight anemia.

Pomegranate to fight anemia

The pomegranate to fight anemia.

Pomegranates contain a significant amount of iron, which is directly absorbed by our blood. Thanks to their many properties, these fruits are very effective in helping us fight against anemia.

In addition to iron, a pomegranate contains vitamins, fiber and potassium. These are elements that clean our blood flow.

The tomato

A tomato contains vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene, essential nutrients for treating anemia.

To better absorb the nutrients it contains, we advise you to consume tomato in the form of juice. You can drink at least one glass a day.

Avoid drinking coffee, soda, or any other energy drink. They actually have the disadvantage of interfering with the assimilation of iron by our body.

Dry vegetables

Lentils to fight anemia.

Pulses are natural sources of fiber. These are therefore key elements for preventing and combating anemia.

Beans, lentils, soybeans, and chickpeas, among others, can provide us with up to 5 mg of iron per cup. In particular  the lenses which  are those which contain the most of this essential mineral.

They are also high in protein and low in fat. However, they must be properly prepared to deliver all of their properties.

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