9 Scientifically Proven Tips To Prevent Cancer

Even though we cannot 100% control its onset, we can effectively prevent cancer if we lead healthy lives and submit to regular checks to detect it as quickly as possible.

You probably think that it is almost impossible to prevent the onset of cancer. We all have a loved one who, despite leading a healthy lifestyle, unfortunately developed this disease.

According to data from the International Agency for the Investigation of Cancer (IARC), it is possible to prevent 50% of cancer cases with a few simple strategies.

For example, as the European Code against Cancer tells us, if stomach cancer was previously one of the main causes of death in the world, it is now lung cancer which is the more lethal, in both men and women.

Without a doubt, this reflects the adoption of unhealthy habits that increase the risk of suffering from this condition.

It is therefore essential to know simple tips to prevent cancer on a daily basis. Small actions can always have big consequences.

1. Avoid using tobacco

If you want to reduce your risk of suffering from cancer, it is imperative that you do not use tobacco. By this we mean that you should not smoke, but you should also avoid being a passive smoker.

  • As we told you at the beginning of this article, lung cancer is one of the most common in the world’s population, and it is also the one that kills the most people.
  • There is no point in vaping low nicotine electronic cigarettes. Better to avoid inhaling smoke and harmful substances altogether.

2. Maintain your healthy weight

As the United States National Cancer Institute tells us, obesity causes a high risk of developing endometrial, pancreatic, thyroid, or colorectal cancer.

  • Excess body fat promotes, for example, an increase in estrogen in women. This phenomenon can lead to various mutations, causing healthy cells to change into cancer cells.
  • Do not hesitate to consult your doctor or a nutritionist to regain your healthy weight. It is totally worth it.

3. Don’t be too sedentary

To combat a sedentary lifestyle, going out for a walk once a week is not enough.

Our body needs daily movement and moderate activity that improves our blood circulation, oxygenation of our body and the functioning of our vital organs.

It is not about exercising until you reach the limits of your strength. In the majority of cases, brisk walking for even half an hour a day may be sufficient.

We recommend doing this in a park or in a natural area to enjoy cleaner air!

4. Eat a healthy diet

It is necessary to be aware that a healthy diet is synonymous with well-being, health and longevity.

  • Eat food that is fresh and, as far as possible, organically grown.
  • Keep in mind to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Increase your intake of fiber and vitamin C.

5. Avoid consuming alcohol or do it in moderation.

Moderation and balance are the two keys to a healthy life. This advice applies to all areas of our life, but especially alcohol consumption.

  • If you want to be in good health, do not exceed one glass of wine per day. This healthy habit will help you take care of your cardiovascular health.

6. Protect yourself from the sun’s rays

A simple way to prevent cancer is to adequately protect ourselves from ultraviolet radiation.

  • The sun is good for our body because it helps us obtain and synthesize vitamin D. However, we must avoid exposure during the sunniest hours of the day and we must always control the duration of our exposure.

7. Avoid working with polluting products

We are well aware that we cannot always control our environment, especially in the course of our work. However, it is important to stay alert and take maximum safety measures.

If you have to manufacture or handle chemical agents, you must absolutely follow the recommendations in force in terms of protection. Also see your doctor regularly for tests. Its very important.

8. Protect yourself from radon

We are not always aware of it, but radon is an invisible enemy present in many cities, even in the countryside and in the forests, which can gradually affect our health.

Radon gas is a radioactive element that is produced naturally by the earth’s crust.

For more information on this subject, you can consult the page of the Environmental Protection Agency which will inform you about the places on our planet most contaminated by this gas which can be fatal.

9. Be up to date with your vaccinesprevent cancer

Immunization of babies against hepatitis B and young girls against human papillomavirus is essential. This simple preventive action can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from cancer.

It is also important to take into account the following aspects:

  • Women should not fail to visit their gynecologist frequently and to have regular breast cancer screenings.
  • Both men and women should participate in early detection programs for lung cancer and colorectal cancer.

Let us not forget that medical institutions must continue their prevention policy on all these subjects, in order to better inform citizens.

Sources of the article: “European Cancer Organization“, “World Health Organization“

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