9 Herbs And Spices To Cleanse The Blood

It is essential to include foods with depurative properties in our diet in order to cleanse the blood. This is the case with spices and herbs.

Have you ever thought about the importance of cleaning the blood? To cleanse the blood, we can include foods with depurative properties in our diet. Spices and herbs are a quick, easy and efficient way to do this.

Blood is responsible for transporting the necessary elements that allow cells to perform their functions:

  • Respiratory: it transports oxygen and recovers the carbon dioxide generated by combustion, eliminating it through the lungs.
  • Immune: it protects the body thanks to white blood cells and plasma antibodies.
  • Excretory: it collects residues and wastes and eliminates them.
  • Transporters: of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and hormones, etc.
  • Regulatory: it maintains the balance of water and ions in the body as well as body temperature.

Thanks to all its virtues and functions it is therefore very important that we help our body to keep the blood clean.

The accumulation of toxins can be due to:

  • The little physical activity
  • Food rich in animal products
  • Lack of healthy food

When you don’t take the time to clean the blood, bad habits can lead to problems like heart attacks or cancer.

So below we give you a list of herbs and spices to cleanse the blood in a natural and healthy way.

1. Garlic

The first of the spices for cleaning the blood is garlic. It prevents hypertension and poor circulation because it lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) which is found in the blood.

It also protects the arteries, especially the aorta, coronaries and cerebrals, allowing the rich and constant flow of the organs of the body.

In addition, it is rich in sulfuric compounds (allicin), essential for eliminating toxins found in the blood and helping your intestine to get rid of damaged microorganisms.

To increase its consumption, chew two garlic teeth in the morning or include it in your diet.

2. The dandelionclean the blood

The dandelion has a large amount of antioxidants and numerous nutrients that cleanse the digestive toxins device.

It also helps in the treatment of liver disease and removes toxins from the blood.

This plant grows naturally at the edge of fields and gardens and is characterized by its serrated leaves and yellow flower.

  • The easiest way to consume it is in an infusion in which the leaves are boiled and drunk like any other tea.
  • This infusion can also be taken as a substitute for caffeine. We can consume up to 3 cups a day.

3. Turmeric

This plant originates from India and has been known and used for centuries. Although it is used to add flavor to dishes, it is also worth knowing about its medicinal properties.

One of its greatest attributes is against cancer. It indeed helps restore DNA damage, and relieves chronic inflammation.

Likewise, turmeric is anti-inflammatory and helps prevent heart disease like blood clots.

It also reduces plaque buildup in the arteries and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

 4. Basil

Basil helps the liver and kidneys to flush out toxins that have accumulated in the body. This therefore helps to control digestive problems and infections.

In addition, it works as a diuretic to eliminate all the toxins that we harbor in the blood stream.

5. Coriander

Cilantro is one of the herbs that helps cleanse the blood and remove mercury and other harmful minerals from the blood stream.

Excess mercury in the body is more common than one might think. You can indeed find it in items like metal dental fillers up to excessive consumption of certain species of fish.

6. Thistle

Thistle seeds are also used in the world of medicine for their flavonoids. These help repair damaged cells and protect new cells.

In addition, they promote the production of enzymes vital for the conversion of toxins from their normal form to a soluble form to facilitate their elimination.

7. Nettleclean the blood

Nettle leaves are very good for cleaning the blood thanks to its active ingredients like histamine and formic acid.

Nettle is also hemostatic, which means that it has the ability to stop bleeding and is suitable for combating bleeding.

  • Nettle can also help control hemophilia, dysmenorrhea, hemoptysis, and disorders caused by menopause.

To combat these problems, drink a tablespoon of fresh nettle juice. If you have a nasal hemorrhage, soak a cotton ball in this juice and put it into your nose.

8. Neem

The antioxidant active ingredients of neem ( Azadirachta indica ) allow toxins, free radicals and bacteria to escape from the liver and blood.

To get these effects, drink neem once a day. You can add honey if you find it too bitter.

9. The cuscuta

The cuscuta is a parasitic climbing plant that contains a high level of flavonoids. It contains a powerful detoxifier that helps remove excess toxins from the liver.

This plant is also very effective in cleaning the blood thanks to its microorganisms and helps to maintain healthy skin.

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