9 Alternative Uses Of Nail Polish

Nail polish is a product that can have a lot of alternative applications. Discover in this article, 9 of them that will make your life easier.

Nowadays we have a very wide variety of nail polish colors available. Although it was designed to complement the feminine personal aesthetic and beautify the hands, there are many other uses that can be made of this product.

If you are a curious person who likes to take full advantage of most of the products you have at home, the following nail polish alternatives that we offer are of particular interest to you.

9 alternative uses of nail polish

1. Eliminate warts


nail polish can make warts disappear

Clear nail polish is proven to be an effective home remedy for removing warts. Why is this so? It is very simple. The layer of varnish applied to the affected area prevents oxygen from reaching the area, which stops its growth and eventually causes it to disappear.

It should be noted, however, that this product is not a panacea. Depending on how often the polish is applied to the wart, it may take days or weeks for the wart to disappear.

Method of application as a remedy:

  • Wash the wart area with plenty of soap and water.
  • Dry well with a towel.
  • Apply the clear varnish all over the wart.
  • Let dry for a few minutes and repeat the application about 6 more times.
  • Cover the area with microporous surgical tape.
  • Repeat the same procedure day after day until the wart is gone.
  • Avoid using the same polish for other things. If you have already started using it for the treatment of wart, then leave it exclusively for this.
  • After the treatment is finished, it is better to throw away the nail polish completely.

2. Seal your mail

Since it is not very hygienic to seal the envelopes with saliva, it is better to use sticky glue. However, we don’t always have this product at home, so you can use clear varnish if you don’t have glue.

Simply run the brush around the edges of the envelope and apply pressure for a few minutes until it closes properly. Finished !

3. Reinforce labels at home


Do you store food in labeled jars, whether in your cupboards or freezer? So the transparent nail polish will help you take care of it. More particularly to protect them from humidity and extreme temperatures.

Just apply a layer of clear varnish on the label. This way you will no longer need duct tape or plastic paper and you can keep the written text in pristine condition.

4. Repair small scratches on your bodywork

Nail polish is also used to cover small marks on the body of vehicles. Just make sure the varnish is the same shade as the paint on the car.

Apply several coats of varnish until the scratch is completely covered and gone. It is an easy and inexpensive alternative when the damage is minor.

5. Find the remote control

Using a glowing nail polish in the dark will make it much easier to find the remote control. Just apply one or two coats of your favorite color to one of the buttons on the remote and let it dry. It will be easier to find when you watch TV at night.

6. Thread a needle

Not all people have the agility to thread a needle the first time, so sometimes we have to use something to do it. To do this, you can use transparent varnish.

Just apply a little polish to the tip of the thread to harden and pass through the eye of the needle more easily.

7. Differentiate the keys with different colors of nail polish

thanks to nail polish, you can differentiate your keys

If for some reason you have a bunch of keys in your purse and you have trouble recognizing them, you can use nail polish to better differentiate them and give them a more original touch.


  • Remove the key from the keychain and place it on a flat surface.
  • Take the nail polish of your choice and apply it on the base of the wrench.
  • Avoid varnishing the teeth of the key.
  • Be creative!

8. Repair damaged shoes

As with the bodywork of vehicles, nail polish can also be used to cover damaged shoes. Pick the closest shade and apply to the damaged area. Then let it dry and continue the procedure until the damaged part is well covered.

9. Extend the life of costume jewelry


On the other hand, you can also use clear nail polish to protect your costume jewelry from oxidation or fading. Or you can just apply a light coat to give them more shine. Apply a few coats of varnish to the piece and let it dry.

As you can see, there are a lot of alternative uses for nail polish. Therefore, use this product when repairing some small damage.


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