8 Things You Can Do To Fight Thyroid Hair Loss

If you have thyroid problems, your hair will be weak and brittle. It is important to improve your diet, to nourish them from the inside out, as well as to avoid episodes of stress, which can make the situation worse.

Problems with the thyroid gland can cause alterations in all body systems and in the case of hair, alter hair cycles and cause hair loss.

Although most people ignore it, there is a link between thyroid hormone activity and hair health. 

Thus, it is essential to understand that the thyroid stimulates the hair follicles, regulates the health of the sebaceous glands and participates in the production of sebum.

It is also not strange that imbalances in the gland generate chronic and diffuse hair loss, which is always difficult to control.

Patients with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism must therefore fight against fragile, dry and brittle hair.

Fortunately, there are a series of tips and treatments that can then help strengthen them to improve their appearance.

Now we want to share the 7 most important tips so you don’t hesitate to apply them.

Take note !

1. Request a lab test

If you suspect that your hair loss is due to a thyroid problem, then see your doctor and ask for a full lab test.

This will allow you to check the state of your thyroid gland activity and how it may affect you. 

Be aware that in addition to hair loss, you may also suffer from other symptoms and health issues.

2. Make sure you are getting the correct dose of thyroid supplements.

Once you know the problem with your thyroid, you can receive treatment with thyroid supplements, designed to control your symptoms.

However, it is essential to do it with appropriate medical supervision, because it must be designed according to the needs of the body.

3. Improve your diet to prevent hair loss

While it is not necessary to have health problems to improve your diet, it is necessary that patients with thyroid disease do so as soon as possible.

Since the hormonal disorder can decrease the ability to absorb quality nutrients, it is best to follow a balanced and complete diet.

Poisonous and inflammatory foods should be eliminated which can worsen the symptoms caused by the thyroid problem.

For example, dairy products, gluten and energy-modified foods (such as corn, soy and vegetables) should be excluded.

In addition, it is important to increase your intake of sources of:

  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Zins
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, B and D

4. Consume sources of collagen

Collagen is a protein rich in amino acids, including glutamine.

This nutrient brings strength and elasticity to the hair, which is essential to keep it in good condition.

If the body has the capacity to produce it on its own, it is necessary to provide it through other sources, especially since the production decreases as we age.

Also note that its ingestion is also excellent for bones and joints, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Here are the recommended foods:

  • Gelatin
  • Red fruits
  • Citrus fruits
  • Egg white
  • Dry vegetables
  • Seafood

5. Avoid using heaters

Heat devices like hair straighteners, hair dryers or heated tongs, among others, are the No. 1 enemies of your hair, especially when it is weakened due to the thyroid.

These devices affect their structures, reduce their strength and over time cause breakage and fall.

6. Increase your water intake

Water consumption is not only important for the proper functioning of the body’s systems. It is also essential for good hair health. 

Ingesting 6 to 8 glasses of water per day helps prevent dryness in the scalp. But also allows good circulation.

7. Add gelatin to your shampoo

The proteins and collagen provided by the tasteless gelatin are indeed excellent for hair care and strengthening.

Unlike other commercial products, it has no side effects and is therefore very affordable.

Its regular use then helps to stop excessive hair loss and other problems.

Just add half a sachet of powder to a natural shampoo bottle of about 236 ml.

8. Avoid stress

Stressful situations can indeed worsen thyroid symptoms, including hair loss.

This emotional state has been shown to negatively impact hair health. In addition, it is one of the causes of the fall.

Know that faced with a thyroid problem, it is essential to listen to medical advice and also to request periodic check-ups.

The advice given here can therefore be put into practice as a supplement for the care of your hair.

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