7 Things Your Depression Keeps You From Seeing

What matters is the here and the now. So don’t stay locked in your past, and don’t worry too much about your future. Let the sun light up your life and lift you out of depression.

The depression is the most common mental disorder in the world population. The main cause of this phenomenon is the work environment, which has become much more stressful in recent years.

Therefore, the best-selling drugs in the world are antidepressants. According to official data from the WHO  (World Health Organization), their consumption increases each year by 10 to 15%.

But what is going on? Is life getting more complicated every day? Or are we more and more vulnerable?

There is not only one clear and precise reason that could give us a clear answer to this question.

Everyone is unique, and all depressions are different. It is therefore difficult to give effective strategies that work in all cases.

However, you can always take into account the different thoughts that we are going to offer you, to improve your daily life.

We invite you to discover them in the rest of this article.

1. Don’t neglect your self-esteemdepression

We see the life we ​​live and we interpret it through the prism of our self-esteem.

If you have low self-esteem, you will become obsessed with what other people think. By the way they live their lives, which you will always judge better than yours. You will then always feel like you don’t have the capacity to achieve your dreams.

The lack of self-esteem indeed generates imbalances and internal conflicts, which end up ruining our life little by little.

It is often said that the most dangerous depressions are the endogenous ones.

In this case, there is no concrete cause that generates the pathology. The problem is then located inside the psyche of the person, who certainly ruminates on disorders that have their source in childhood.

If your family background has always been complicated, if the bonds between you and your parents have not always been good, or if you have not achieved optimal emotional maturity, then it is normal that your self-esteem is at a premium. lower.

Day after day you accumulate inexplicable sadness, lack of motivation and discouragement which can lead to depression.

So pay attention to this phenomenon. Take care of your self-esteem, and be the main actor in your own life!  

2. Realize that suffering will not last forever

We can assure you that  the depression you are suffering from will not last a lifetime. This pain that you feel inside will indeed subside over time.

If you focus on your daily life in a more rational way, gradually letting go of your negative thoughts, you will manage to regain a certain zest for life, and depression will stand out from you like a shadow that suddenly disappears into the light.

3. Focus on the present

The past no longer exists, you have lived it and it is gone. What is the use of focusing your attention on times of the past that only cause you nostalgia or pain?

The game is not worth the candle. Likewise, don’t obsess over your future and see your future days in a fatalistic way.

You don’t have a crystal ball, and you can’t anticipate everything that’s going to happen.

Focus on the here and now, live intensely and find the happiness you so deserve. It’s the only thing worth it.

4. Ask for help from those most able to give it to you.

You may have heard many times: “ Family members are the most important in your life, they will never let you down ”.

However, there are some people in our closest circles who can do us more harm than good.

Some will be able to tell you that “depression affects weak people who feel sad all the time”.

Consult the professionals, while leaning on your friends and family members who know how to listen to you, those who have always been able to find the right words to comfort you. 

5. Get out of your house

Depression feeds on darkness, closed windows, silence, this whole universe that perfectly envelops your negative and fatalistic thoughts.

Do not be convinced by this desire for isolation, do not listen to your depression and go out for a walk every day for half an hour.

Let the air envelop you, the sun caress your skin with its gentle warmth, and chat with people. Surround your life with movement, light, small moments of daily happiness.

6. Eat as healthily as possible

Pastries, snacks, ready meals, sodas and all those foods that perfectly satisfy your anxiety, and bring you momentary pleasure, feed your depression.

They actually promote your chemical imbalance, and fuel the neurotransmitters that intensify depression.

Start eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink water, make yourself herbal teas, use Bach flowers, consume more oats, etc.

Eating a healthy diet will make you feel better and store fewer toxins.

7. Make the decision to fight your depressiondepression

This is obviously something difficult. Saying no to depression takes a lot of strength and courage, but there is something you absolutely need to consider: you are not your depression.

You are a person who deserves to be happy again, and to experience other moments of happiness and hope.

What if you decided today to get rid of this shadow that weighs on your shoulders and prevents you from being happy?

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