7 Simple Tips For Losing Weight After The Holidays

To lose weight, don’t rely on fad diets, as they usually have the rebound effect. Discover our tips for healthy weight loss here.

After the holidays, it is common to find that we have gained a few pounds. Nevertheless, losing those extra pounds can be a simple gamble to be won by putting into practice a few tips.

Fad diets don’t make sense or work. They do not help in healthy weight loss and promote the yo-yo effect.

We must change certain eating habits and reduce the consumption of certain foods. You will need to show patience and persistence to achieve your goal.

So-called detox diets simply help rebalance the functioning of the digestive system The ideal is to opt for a balanced diet for the long term.

Discover here  7 simple tips to implement to lose weight without sacrifice and without starving.

1. Tips for losing weight: take it easy

Tips for losing weight after the holidays

Don’t obsess over wanting to lose weight in less than a week. The ideal is to see regular weight loss, day after day.

When we suddenly lose weight, our body goes on alert. In a way, it goes into survival mode, which promotes the accumulation of fat and the appearance of certain disorders such as fatigue or irritability.

Rather, you should consider a period of 1 to 3 months to see satisfactory results. The advantage of this is that you will have more energy and vitality and you will be in a better  mood.

Letting go of your desire will help you reach the goal with peace of mind.

2. Set a goal

Set a long term goal and avoid looking at the scale every day.

There are many factors that influence weight gain. Fluid retention or an increase in muscle mass are two of them. That’s why you shouldn’t be obsessed with the scale.

3. Choose your dinner wisely

The main meal that you should pay attention to is dinner It provides energy that you are not going to use right away: the calories that we do not burn immediately become reserves.

Unlike breakfast and lunch, in the afternoon or evening, opt instead for light foods that are easily digested. 

For example, carbohydrates are recommended during the day. While in the evening it is best to prepare a meal with vegetables and lean protein.

4. Make three food lists

Before you begin, take some time to prepare three food lists.

  • Green List: Healthy foods you can eat every day (vegetables, fruits, pulses, legumes, whole grains, dried fruits, eggs, fish, poultry).
  • Yellow: foods that you can eat several times a week  (red meat, dairy products, fruit juices, wholemeal flour).
  • Red: foods that you should not eat  (fried foods, pastries, sweets, ice cream, soft drinks, refined flour, processed foods, sauces, creams).

These lists should be personalized with the foods we usually eat, to make it easier to put together each menu.

A good way to avoid eating Red List foods is to buy them. This will help you avoid temptations.

5. Chew slowly

Chewing Slowly Is One Of The Best Tips For Losing Weight

This is one of the best tips. Slowly chewing each bite allows us to enjoy the food better. It also facilitates the digestion and assimilation of each food and increases the feeling of fullness.

This is one of the easiest tips to put into practice, although it is not always easy.

6. Drink water outside of meals

Drinking water throughout the day, especially outside of main meals, activates the metabolism and helps us lose weight more easily.

It also improves digestion, removes toxins and fluids, and keeps us from eating less without feeling hungry.

7. Get some physical exercise

When it comes  to exercise for weight loss, the ideal is  to exercise in split sessions : short periods of medium intensity alternated with short pauses and repeated several times.

This helps tone muscles and reduce fat. We recommend that you do two or three half an hour a week.

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