7 Natural Treatments To Fight Cold Sores

Cold sores is a type of infection that is characterized by the appearance of red blisters or rashes on the surface of the lips

To prevent cold sores from spreading, we should avoid sharing our personal utensils and throwing out what we used during the budding.

Cold sore is a type of infection that is characterized by the appearance of red blisters or rashes on the surface of the lips.

Also known as cold sores , they are the result of an attack of the herpes simplex virus type 1, which is very easy to spread.

People initially feel a tingling and itching sensation in the affected area ; later budding appears and sometimes also episodes of fever and allergy.

If they are not a serious problem and eventually go away after a few days, it is strongly recommended that you treat them quickly so that they do not generate more complications.

This allows the blister to dry out before draining the fluid and thus decreases the risk of transmission to others.

Fortunately, there are several naturally occurring treatments that, applied externally, help speed recovery without causing unwanted effects.

We want to share with you the 7 best treatments so that you don’t hesitate to try them if this problem appears.

  1. Cold milk against cold sores

cold milk remedy

Milk contains a substance known as lysine which, by being absorbed into the skin, inhibits the action of the virus that causes herpes.

Its external use regulates the skin’s pH and promotes the repair of areas affected by budding.

How to use it ?

  • Moisten a cotton ball with cold milk and rub it on the blisters.
  • Leave on without rinsing and repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times a day.

2. Tomato

The antioxidants in tomato are ideal for stimulating cell regeneration in areas affected by cold sores.

Its properties stop the growth of microorganisms while calming irritation and the burning sensation.

How to use it ?

  • First take some tomato pulp and apply it to the buds.
  • Leave to act for 30 minutes then rinse.
  • Use it twice a day until the problem goes away.

3. Plain yogurt

The lactic acid contained in natural yogurt is a substance that regulates the pH of the skin of the lips in order to prevent the growth of herpes.

Its properties calm the itching and stop the infection of the rash.

How to use it ?

  • Faced with the first symptoms of herpes, rub a little plain yogurt on the affected skin.
  • In case of rashes, rub in directly and leave to act without rinsing.
  • Use 3 times a day for good results.

4. Aloe vera against cold sores

The antiviral and antifungal properties of aloe vera gel are useful in treating herpes simplex virus infections of the skin.

Its natural assets stop the appearance of buds and accelerate the repair of affected areas.

How to use it ?

  • First remove a small amount of the fresh aloe vera gel and rub it on the lips.
  • Then leave on for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Apply it 3 times a day.

5. Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit seed extract for cold sores

Grapefruit Seed Extract is a natural ingredient with anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that can help you inhibit the negative action of the herpes virus.

It contains vitamin C, an essential nutrient that helps repair damaged skin while creating a barrier against microorganisms.

How to use it ?

  • First apply 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract on the herpes buds.
  • Then leave on without rinsing and repeat the treatment twice a day.

6. Ice cream against cold sores

Although ice does not attack the virus that causes this infection, its application can reduce the inflammation and the itchy sensation that often appears with rashes.

How to use it ?

  • Put a few ice cubes in a cloth or in a bag and rub them on the lips.
  • Repeat the operation 3 times a day.

7. Sea salt

Sea salt is an ingredient with antiseptic and antiviral properties that helps treat  this labial infection.

Its direct application helps to dry out the buds while preventing the virus from spreading.

How to use it ?

  • First moisten a small amount of sea salt with water or lemon juice and rub it on the affected area.
  • Then leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Finally repeat the operation 2 to 3 times a day.

Finally, remember that in addition to using these treatments, it is essential to avoid sharing personal utensils such as lipsticks, razors or towels.

In addition, at the end of the treatment it is better to throw them away to avoid the reappearance of the rashes.

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