7 Habits That Improve Self-esteem

Here we invite you to discover seven habits to improve self-esteem, the key to fulfillment and happiness.

Self-esteem is not a small factor. The more you love and respect yourself, the better your life will be.

It is important to remember that the emotions and thoughts we have also affect our health. For example, a person who feels bad about himself will have less interest in paying attention to his diet than a person who feels good.

Do you love and respect yourself? Do you value yourself as a person? If you don’t, adopt the following habits that will give you a better quality of life.

1. We must silence this negative inner voice to improve self-esteem

Self esteem

A low self-esteem is largely due to what we say to ourselves. There are many aspects of your life that the whole world can criticize. Yet if you are comfortable with yourself, nothing will affect you. 

Conversely, when criticism and sabotage arises from within, nothing you do will be good. You can be the nicest, friendliest person in the world, but still feel like you’re falling short.

Silencing your negative inner voice means that you will stop telling yourself things like:

  • I am ugly
  • Nobody will accept me
  • I am not able to do such a thing
  • I’m not nice enough

It is not a simple process, because the inner voice speaks without our thinking. It is important to start to become aware of how you communicate with yourself.

2. Stop waiting for the approval of others

Is your self-esteem based on what others think of you? It’s okay to want your family and friends to show that they love and approve of you. What you can’t do is depend on their approval to be happy.

It is important to learn to make your own decisions based on what you want and what you aspire to. Sometimes that means taking a different path. It is part of everyone’s process of learning and improving as a person. The most important thing is that you do the things that make you happy.

3. Exercise

Sport in general improves self-esteem. For starters, you generate endorphins that make you feel comfortable and fulfilled . In addition, having a healthy body will do you a lot of good.

At first it may seem difficult to start, but once you pick up the pace and get used to it, you won’t be able to stop. Our advice is to start with a few minutes a day if you are not used to physical activity.

30 minutes of exercise per day is recommended, but you can start with ten or fifteen minutes for the first few weeks.

4. Do you accept

Woman embracing

Maybe you think your flaws are huge, or you have great disadvantages compared to the people around you. Maybe you are right, but you have to accept yourself as you are. Your characteristics, qualities and flaws are what makes you unique.

Sometimes it can be difficult to accept that we are not who we would like to be. However, it should be remembered that you too have particularities that are unique to others.Instead of whining about what you believe is missing in your life, being overweight or in your job, highlight what you have. already.

Self-esteem improves when we stop looking around and feel gratitude for life and all that we have. Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective to be happier.

5. Go to others

Having a great support network is very important in improving self-esteem. Knowing that you have people to walk with you and give you the security and confidence you need.

Plus, spending time with friends and family will help relieve stress . Remember that stress affects your cardiovascular system. Make the most of the time you have to chat with your friends, share time, and create memories that last a lifetime.

Make sure the people around you are positive and support you. Negative reviews and toxic relationships are big enemies of self-esteem.

6. List and highlight your qualities

Being generous with yourself is one of the most difficult jobs.  When you are able to see yourself lovingly and accept who you are, your self-esteem increases. You can start to make a list of all your qualities.

At first, it will be difficult for you to see them. If you feel lost, ask a friend or loved one for help. You will see that after a sincere conversation, you will see more clearly what are the qualities that make you unique.

Take the first list you made and fill in with the new qualities you found. Then, every morning, you can read them again and modify them as you deem necessary. Don’t limit yourself: any quality is important. 

7. Let go of perfectionism

You have faults, like the others. The key to increasing self-esteem is learning how to deal with this part of your personality. Trying to eliminate his faults only makes us miserable. 

If you focus on them so much, over time you will start to see your life from that perspective. This view in your life is not healthy and will not do anything for you. What you can do is stop focusing so much on it.

The first step is to set limits when making plans. Don’t try to go beyond your possibilities, just focus on living each moment to the fullest.

Work on improving your self-esteem. If you feel today that your life is not what you want, work to make it happen.

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