7 Habits For Building Self-confidence

Following your own frame of reference allows you to have more self-confidence, because in this way we stop seeking the approval of others at all times. Our actions must be consistent with our own values.

Lack of self-confidence is a very common fact among teenagers. Nevertheless, we all face this problem, and we are all likely to go through a phase that causes us to lose confidence in ourselves, regardless of our age.

If we do not treat this problem in time, it can turn into a real illness, moderate depression or severe depression.

Let’s discover together, in this article, 7 habits to have self-confidence.

1. Choose your friends wisely and stay away from toxic people self-confidence

When we choose good friends, we have healthy relationships and stable bonds, which helps us feel good about ourselves.

Besides, a good friend can pull us up. A friend can encourage our self-  esteem, and highlight qualities that we ourselves are not aware of. That’s why we have to surround ourselves with real friends who trust us and whom we trust.

You shouldn’t be around people who look down on you, who always have something negative or pessimistic to tell you. If you can’t avoid these people, try to censor their words so they don’t affect you.

2. Exercise regularly 

Taking care of your physical health by exercising regularly helps the body release toxins and energizes the body. By exercising regularly, you will improve your physical appearance, which will also help you develop good self-esteem.

Sleeping well is another key factor, because during the night the body recovers energy. If you don’t sleep well, you will be in a bad mood, you will feel bad, and your body will be tired, without energy.

3. Don’t say yes if you feel like saying no 

You must learn to claim your rights assertively, that is, without aggression, but without falling into passivity. To get there, you have to start with the little things.

The secret is in the way of saying no: rather than judging a situation, say how you feel about the situation, and it will turn out much better. For example: “This comment seems inappropriate to me, it makes me feel bad”.

If we get used to expressing what we are feeling, we are bound to develop better self-esteem. In addition, we will practice the art of being honest and respectful.

4. Find yourself a passion in life

If you’ve been looked down upon all your life, if you feel like you suck, finding a passion will help you regain confidence in yourself. When you find that activity that thrills you and that you are good at, your life will be enriched. Feeling the satisfaction of being good at something gives you confidence.

Others may even value your talent and let you know. However, beware… This brings us to the fifth point.

5. Follow your own internal frame of reference

If you put too much importance on the opinions of others, you will always be unhappy. Why ? Because it is impossible to please everyone. In addition, living to please others is very sad.

You decide what is good or bad and what your values ​​are. Seek your own approval and not that of others.

You now know that your referrals have to come from within.

6. Learn from your failures and move forward self-confidence

Don’t get stuck on your failures. Nobody is perfect. If you got it wrong, learn the lesson and move on.

This doesn’t mean you have to live like no one matters, or like mistakes don’t hurt, but if you remain paralyzed over your failures and past mistakes, your self-esteem will take a hit. . With that, let’s come to the seventh point.

7. Celebrate your victories and rejoice 

Remember your victories, and celebrate them. Follow the principle: “What is celebrated, repeated.” Think about what you have done right, and then you can get rid of a lot of complexes.

You will be surprised at how many shy people have a distorted view of themselves, and are used to minimizing their successes and victories. Rejoice, and celebrate good things!

These seven habits for building self-confidence have been shown to work. Try to put them into practice; you can integrate them one by one. Do not be discouraged. Remember that everything takes time.

Don’t rush, and don’t try to change overnight. You have to take it step by step. Set yourself the goal of overcoming all the obstacles that come your way. Do it every day until it becomes a habit.

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